Discover Nikkei

Spending time with children

When I became governor, I told my secretary, “I don’t care how busy I am, whatever I am doing. When one of my children comes to the office, you ought to let me know that they are here. And I will take a break as soon as I can. You ask them to wait, I will take a break as soon as I can, and I will spend some time with them.”

We also, during our years—very early years when Jean and I began to have our children—we began to have family meetings. And we had all of our children together, and any one of them could ask for a family meeting. And sometimes they would want a family meeting when somebody was mean to them or somebody did something to them. And many of the time it was nonsense. But, it gave us an opportunity for them to talk and begin to understand that or sister did not mean to do anything to hurt your feelings or harm you. And I think we developed a closeness because we could talk.

And Jean and I says to our children, “We don’t have any experience as parents, and this is our first opportunity for us to become parents. And every one, each one of you, are different, so we'll have a different experience with each of you. And please understand that because of that, we don’t have any experience, and we can make our mistakes, too. And we are prepared to say we are sorry to you if we do something that we feel have hurt your feelings.” And so, we remained, because of the things that our parents was, and because of the closeness that’s remained with my parents and Jean’s parents with hers—we developed a closeness with our own children.


Date: December 15, 2003

Location: Hawai`i, US

Interviewer: Art Hansen

Contributed by: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum.

Interviewee Bio

George Ariyoshi was born in Honolulu in 1926. He overcame a childhood speech defect to enter the Military Intelligence Service language school after World War II and served the United States in Tokyo’s ruins. Returning home from occupied Japan, he moved to Michigan where he received undergraduate and law degrees.

He married Jean Hayashi in Hawai`i and, between 1954 and 1986, held elective offices there as a Democrat. He served three terms as Hawai`i’s governor, the first Japanese American nationwide to govern a state. By his own definition, Governor Ariyoshi was “a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.” The title of his 1997 memoir, With Obligation to All, summed up his personal and political philosophies. (December 2003)

Sakata,Reiko T.
Sakata,Reiko T.

Parent’s Marriage

(b. 1939) a businesswoman whose family volunterily moved to Salt Lake City in Utah during the war.


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