Discover Nikkei

Opening Ikoi no sono (Japanese)

(Japanese) There were a lot of elderly men and women who came, and I worried about which hospital they should go to. We had them admitted in several locations—Osasco, Vila Matilde, Jaçanã… At that time, I dreamt about the creation of a Nikkei hospital. I forgot to mention earlier, but the war began right when the Social Assistance Organization started up, and right as it started, there was a father (priest) called Bonifacio, a German, Franciscan priest, who spoke Japanese. He loved Japanese people, and helped out with the Social Assistance Organization with me. He would do missionary work, and I would always accompany him, going to hospitals, praying for the sick, re-baptizing the ones who passed away, doing funerals… all throughout the war, and after it for 10 years… and I was helping him all along the way. During that time, I would try to scope around to see if there was any good land for an old folks’ home. But then again, even if I found a place, we had no money to build one. At that time, father told me, “You know, the land above the bishop’s church in the capital is supposed to change ownership soon. I think the next owner is the priest that you really get along with, so maybe you can ask him. Maybe he’ll give you the land at Bonsucesso.” So I went to go talk to him. Then, with no hesitation, he gave us the land. “You can have it, this is the reward for you two,” he said, and gave us the entire land of 10 alqueires (Portuguese acre; 1 alqueires = 12.02 acres). And can you believe this? He asked, “How much [land] do you want?” so I answered “five alqueires is fine,” and so he said “OK, then let’s give you 10 alqueires.” During that time, the administrator, Mr. Keizo Ishihara, was in the hotel business, so he moved over here [to help]. We were given the place in 1957, so after moving we fixed up the place, painting and such. Then on the 50th anniversary of [Brazilian] migration in 1958, we invited Mr. Shingorō Yonamine, who was nearly immobile at the time, who came aboard the Kasato-maru (name of a ship) for an inauguração (inauguration). It was just him. Well actually, we decided that the 18th [of June] would be busy because of the migration anniversary, so we said “Let’s have the inauguration a month in advance,” and we opened up on May 24th, and at that time, Mr. Yonamine was the only one [who was there]. Then afterwards, it started to pick up. There was an old folks’ home in Jaçanã with about 45 people, but we couldn’t bring everyone in since we can only have about 20 or so people. We couldn’t bring all of them over, so we chose to have our visitor who came via the Kasato-maru stay over at our place. But apparently he liked the other one [in Jaçanã] better, so within two months, he said “I want to go back,” and back he went. We took him back over there again.



Location: Brazil

Contributed by: Caminho da memória - 遥かなるみちのり. São Paulo, Brazil: Comissão de Elaboração da História dos 80 Anos de Imigração Japonesa no Brasil, 1998. VHS.

Interviewee Bio

Margarida Tomi Watanabe (formerly Ikegami)—known as the “Mother of Nikkei Migration”—was born in Kagoshima prefecture in 1900. At the age of 10, after learning that her neighbors were migrating to Brazil, she decided to leave for Brazil as well in hopes of lifting the some of the burden off of her family. Aboard the “Kanagawa Maru,” she arrived in Santos Port in March of 1912, and moved in with her uncle, whom had already been settled in Brazil. There, she was treated like a real daughter, and at 18 she was given the Christened name of Margarida. In 1928, she married Mr. Watanabe, who was the first-ever Japanese certified public accountant.

During World War II, she saw fellow countrymen being arrested and forced into confinement, and although she was in a difficult situation of being seen as an enemy alien, she decided to upstart relief activity. In June 1942, she established the “Catholic Japanese Relief Association.” She continued her social service efforts after the war, and opened the “Ikoi-no sono”, a nursing home for Nikkei elders, which is still in operation to this day. She passed away in 1996 at the age of 95.

In recognition of her contributions to social welfare, she has received several awards including the Yoshikawa Eiji Cultural Award (1992) and the Asahi Social Welfare Award (1993). (June 22, 2007)


Being a good example for people

(b. 1977) Musician, Producer, Artist


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Episode 16
June 25 (US) | June 26 (Japan)
Featured Nima:
Stan Kirk
Guest Host:
Yoko Murakawa
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