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Keiko Fukuda


Keiko Fukuda was born in Oita, Japan. After graduating from International Christian University, she worked for a publishing company. Fukuda moved to the United States in 1992 where she became the chief editor of a Japanese community magazine. In 2003, Fukuda started working as a freelance writer. She currently writes articles for both Japanese and U.S. magazines with a focus on interviews. Fukuda is the co-author of Nihon ni umarete (“Born in Japan”) published by Hankyu Communications. Website: 

Updated July 2020

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Records of a Japanese woman married to a Kibei-Nisei:  Masako Kato of Montebello, California - Part 1 Idolizing international marriage as an adolescent
Records of a Japanese woman married to a Kibei-Nisei: Masako Kato of Montebello, California - Part 1 Idolizing international marriage as an adolescent

Jan. 16, 2009 • Keiko Fukuda

The term “Nikkei American” consists of many different shapes and forms. Some Nikkei Americans are born and raised in America, and there are also “Kibei,” Nikkei Americans who are born in the US but leave their parents to go study in Japan and are essentially raised in Japan. Some are Nikkei Issei who are born in Japan and gain their US citizenship, and some Japanese join the Nikkei community by marriage to a Nikkei American. I met Masako Kato of …

Thumbnail for 渡米17年目の新一世が見た東京

Dec. 11, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

アメリカに移住してきて17年目になる。その前は東京の出版社で働いていた。通勤手段は地獄のような満員電車である。「それでもボクはやっていな い」という日本映画があるが、あの映画のように、男性が痴漢に間違えられるのもあり得そうなほど満員電車の混雑ぶりは酷い。他人の濡れた傘が、自分の足に ぴったり張り付く雨の日は特に劣悪な車内環境である。 さて、そんな東京暮らしに別れを告げて、1992年3月にロサンゼルスに引っ越してきた。そうなると移動手段は当然、自動車。電車と違って自分だけ …

Thumbnail for 家庭料理を超えた沖縄料理専門店がLA郊外で繁盛中

Oct. 16, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

2008年初夏、ロサンゼルス郊外のトーランスに沖縄料理の店が開店した。店名を「沖縄居酒屋・SHIN」と言う。開店前から、「いよいよ本格的な 沖縄料理専門のレストランができるらしい」と、在ロサンゼルスのウチナーンチュの間では噂になっていた。かく言う筆者自身も楽しみにした沖縄料理ファンの 一人。沖縄出身ではないが、同県の物産をアメリカにPRするお手伝いをしている関係で、2008年2月に沖縄に渡った。現地で味わった、ゴーヤチャンプ ルー、グルクンの唐揚げ、海ぶどうは絶品だった。あ…

Thumbnail for Spreading the Greatness of Ikebana, As Long As I’m Alive: Reiko Kawamura
Spreading the Greatness of Ikebana, As Long As I’m Alive: Reiko Kawamura

Sept. 19, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

Mrs. Allen and Ikebana InternationalFor Kawamura-san, whose mother was also an instructor of the Ohara style, the introduction to ikebana came while she was still just a little girl. “After the war, my mother taught ikebana to Mrs. Allen, who was the wife of a lieutenant who worked under General Ridgeway, who had just replaced General MacArthur. My mother had studied abroad in the U.S. with my father before, so she was able to teach the wives of American military …

Thumbnail for 日本での移民教育の実態: ワークショップ形式のセミナーに参加
日本での移民教育の実態: ワークショップ形式のセミナーに参加

Sept. 13, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

8月30日、パサデナセミナーの主催により日系移民に関する非常に興味深いワークショップ形式の講演会が開かれた。日系移民について知るための講演 ではない。日系移民について、日本国内でどう教育が行われているかに関する講演である。 講師は中央大学の森茂岳雄さんと、京都ノートルダム女子大学の中山京子さん。彼らは学校の教師になるために勉強している大学生を相手に講義を受け持ってい る。中山さんは、移民についての表記を盛り込む目的で、小中学生向けの教科書の編集委員も務めている。 中山さん…

Thumbnail for There is No End to The Way of Ikebana:  Shofu Shōhara / Minako Hayashida
There is No End to The Way of Ikebana: Shofu Shōhara / Minako Hayashida

Sept. 11, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

Drawn to the Ohara style by its wide spectrum of challengesAs part of the annual Nisei Week celebration, the Kad? Instructors’ Association holds an ikebana exhibition every year. The association transcends the differing styles of Ikenob?, Ohara, and S?getsu, and instructors of each style participate. At the venue inside the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center (JACCC), I asked Minako Hayashida-san of the Ohara school for an interview. Hayashida-san, who currently heads the Ohara Los Angeles Branch, first came into …

Thumbnail for The Ohara style that stands face to face with nature, the Ikenob? style that digs deep within - Mr. Jose Salcedo
The Ohara style that stands face to face with nature, the Ikenob? style that digs deep within - Mr. Jose Salcedo

Sept. 5, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

Instant intrigue: My encounter with ikebanaOn every Friday morning during the summer of 2008 at the Japanese American National Museum, a new work of ikebana is put on display for the special exhibition entitled Living Flowers. It can literally be said that this is a ‘living work of art,’ as opposed to paintings or photography. On one Friday morning in early August, I was able to witness one of these new installments. In one corner of the venue, there was …

Thumbnail for 日本人俳優、ハリウッドでの挑戦 その2
日本人俳優、ハリウッドでの挑戦 その2

Sept. 4, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

その1を読む>> テレビドラマ「ヒーローズ」で一躍ブレイクした日本人俳優マシ・オカ。彼は劇中で、東京在住のサラリーマンを演じている。しかし、オカ本人は幼い頃 にアメリカに移住してきたため、日本人よりもむしろ日系人に近い。オカの父親を演じるのは日系アメリカ人俳優のジョージ・タケイ。そして、その若い頃を演 じているのが、日本からハリウッドをめざして渡米してきた尾崎英二郎さんである。 彼のアメリカとのかかわりは大学生時代に遡る。交換留学生として渡米し、アメリカの大…

Thumbnail for To Arrange Flowers (Ikeru) is to Live (Ikiru): Seifū Arimura
To Arrange Flowers (Ikeru) is to Live (Ikiru): Seifū Arimura

Aug. 28, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

Avoiding fixation to my own teaching methods: Gathering interest by attending lecturesThe Iemoto of Ikenob? is on its 45th generation, now with over 500 years of history. Perhaps becoming an instructor is something that is passed on from our parents’ generation. Arimura-san, who originally began instruction in the southwestern district and now teaches around Costa Mesa in Orange County, also has a mother in Kagoshima who was an Ikenob? instructor. “Since junior high school, I was learning the basics directly …

Thumbnail for The heart of Flowers is universal:  Ms. Youka Shiba
The heart of Flowers is universal: Ms. Youka Shiba

Aug. 15, 2008 • Keiko Fukuda

Comforted and calmed by flowers: Relationships born through flowersThe history of Ikenobō is synonymous to the history of ikebana. Acclaimed as the “roots of ikebana,” Ikenobō has a longstanding tradition of over 500 years. The current iemoto (grand master), Sen’ei Ikenobō, represents the 45th generation. Ikenobō has evolved from simple arrangements of flowers in the tokono-ma (living room alcove) of Japanese houses, and now has three established styles called tachibana, ikebana, and jiyu-bana (free-form). Youka Shiba, the current district vice-chair of …