Stuff contributed by kikerenzo

Toshiro Konishi, in his own way. A Japanese with a Latin heart

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

Toshiro Konishi avoids labels. At his recently opened restaurant Oishii, he only prepares food that he is born to make, no matter what others call it. In any case, if a name had to be given, it would be his. “It's not Japanese food, it's Toshiro Konishi food. The whole …

Stories to remember: The Okuyamas. Four generations of a Nikkei family in Peru

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

The Okuyama family is one of the few Nikkei families in Peru that are fortunate to have an Issei at home. Motome Okuyama turned 101 on November 7, 2015 in top form: she sings, writes, cooks, plays gateball, sews, goes shopping alone and is able to perform 64 songs by …

Nikkei cuisine: history, evolution and international expansion. From the huariques to the conquest of the world

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

In June 2015, Mitsuharu Tsumura's restaurant Maido was ranked among the 50 best in the world, according to a ranking by Restaurant magazine. It was a milestone for Nikkei cuisine. Tsumura then declared: “The most beautiful thing is that it is the first time in history that a Nikkei restaurant, …

Dahil Melgar: “The third generation is going to achieve a more successful insertion.” Mexican anthropologist analyzes the Peruvian community in Japan

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

At first they were dekasegi , people who migrate to work and save with the purpose of returning to their land. 25 years later, the Peruvians who began to migrate to Japan when hyperinflation and terrorism were destroying the country are no longer temporary workers, but immigrants. What balance can …

Memories of Hiroshima: 70 Years after the Atomic Bomb

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Peru subsidiary: 15 years of open arms

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

When Kuni Terukina arrived at the eisa by one of those chances that seem created by destiny, Okinawa was for him synonymous with boredom. He had been there shortly before, in 1998, to visit his family. He got so bored that he promised himself never to return. He was then …

A life like a movie: Yoshitaro Amano, Peruvian and man of the world

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

If a filmmaker had to direct a film inspired by the life of Yoshitaro Amano, he wouldn't have to invent or exaggerate anything to give it emotion. His life had all the ingredients to be an event on the big screen: adventure, drama, passion, fight, etc. There would be plenty …

We lack stories

Enrique Higa Sakuda

When they returned to their town, Maida, the Italians who had migrated to the United States were received as emissaries of a new, different, modern world, full of opportunities, living proof that there was a future outside, another life, other airs. They were the bold ones who had chosen to …

Donburi rescata la tradición culinaria japonesa

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

No sushi. No ramen (por ahora). No fusión. Donburi es comida casera japonesa. Julio Kosaka y Óscar Matsufuji no han abierto un restaurante para revolucionar nada, no aspiran a ninguna vanguardia. Lo suyo es volver a las raíces, bucear en la tradición.

Kikue Harada, una obaachan de armas tomar

Enrique Higa SakudaAsociación Peruano Japonesa

“¿Para qué?”, pregunta varias veces Kikue Harada. No se explica por qué tanto revuelo a su alrededor, por qué alguien quiere entrevistarla. Como si llegar a los 103 años de edad en buen estado de salud, lúcida y en pie, fuera normal y no un logro al alcance de unos …

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Periodista, coeditor de la revista Kaikan y corresponsal de International Press

Nikkei interests

  • community history
  • family stories
  • Japanese/Nikkei food

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