BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080906T000000Z DTEND:20080906T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nikkei in Cuba: Reflections from Three U.S. Nikkei Groups\n<str ong>Saturday\, September 6\, 2008\nPanel &amp\; Videos 2-4pm\nLight recept ion follows with special cultural performances</strong>\n\nDid you know th ere are about 1\,300 Nikkei currently living in Cuba? Although their numbe rs are small\, Nikkei can be found in every province of Cuba with the larg est concentration in Havana.\n\nIn 2001\, Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redr ess organized the first group visit by U.S. Nikkei to the Nikkei community in Cuba\, and celebrated Obon with the small community on the Isle of You th. In 2005\, Tsukimi kai organized northern California Nikkei to bring ta iko performances to Cuba and again celebrate Obon. Tsukimi kai returned in 2006 to break the blockade with mochi and celebrate Oshogatsu\, this time bringing a <em>shiisaa</em> (Okinawan Lion). In 2007\, Choodee without Bo rders brought Okinawans in the U.S. to Cuba to celebrate the 100th anniver sary of Okinawan migration here. Come learn about the parallels between Cu ban and U.S. Nikkei history and the creativity of the tiny Nikkei communit y as it struggles for cultural survival.\n\n<strong>FREE with Museum admis sion. RSVP required to 213.625.0414 ext. 2222\, or <a></a> (s ubject: Nikkei in Cuba).</strong>\n<a href="">Japanese American National Museum</a>\n369 East First Street\nLos Angeles\, CA 900 12\n\n<em>This program is co-sponsored by Discover Nikkei\, Nikkei for Civ il Rights and Redress\, Tsukimi Kai\, and Choodee without Borders. Discove r Nikkei\, a project of the Japanese American National Museum\, is made po ssible through the generous support of The Nippon Foundation. The National Japanese American Historical Society is the fiscal sponsor of Tsukimi Kai .</em>\n\nPhoto: Yonsei Cubans at Oshogatsu 2007. Courtesy of Fumi Suzuki\ , Tsukimi Kai. DTSTAMP:20240611T052709Z SUMMARY:Nikkei in Cuba program on September 6\, 2008 in Los Angeles URL:/en/events/2008/09/06/nikkei-in-cuba-program-on-september-6-2008-in-los / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR