Oshogatsu Matsuri - New Year Celebration

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Community Event

Ene 20109
11:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.

JCCCNC Nisei Community Hall (gymnasium)
1840 Sutter St
San Francisco, California, 94115
United States

Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach (APILO) celebrates Japantown's annual Oshogatsu Matsuri - Year of the Tiger.  Activities include arts & crafts for children, a children's art contest, traditional mochitsuki (New Year rice pounding), food, cultural performances ( including odori, kendo and taiko) and much more!  Bring a t-shirt and have it screen printed with the Oshogatsu logo.

Free and open to the public 

This event is sponsored by APILO with support from the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California and other community organizations.

For more information on the Children's Art Contest and/or Festival, please contact Dean Ito Taylor at (415) 567-6255.

To sign up: Call (415) 567-5505, email programsevents@jcccnc.org


vkm . Última actualización Jul 09, 2010 12:14 p.m.


enero 2010


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