Honoring Hisaye Yamamoto

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Community Event

Nov 201017

Flomenhaft Gallery
547 west 27th street #200
new york, New York
United States

Seventeen Syllables: Sharing Stories of Internment

Featuring Roger Shimomura and others!
Wednesday, November 17, 6-7pm
Flomenhaft Gallery, 547 W 27th St #200, NY, NY

We're throwing a special reception to present our fourth Lifetime Achievement Award to Hisaye Yamamoto, the legendary author of Seventeen Syllables, an edgy and sexual short story collection about how hard it can be for the Nisei and Issei generations to understand one another. Born in 1921, Hisaye wrote part of the collection while written in internment camps in Poston, Arizona.

At dinner, Smithsonian-recognized painter Roger Shimomura presents a special artist talk featuring paintings depicting his childhood in Idaho internment camps during the Second World War. At cocktails, Roger will present the award to a member of Hisaye's family and prominent Asian American community members will share stories from their family about internment. In honor of the title story of Hisaye's collection, which features a mother's obsession with haiku, we'll have well-known literary figures sell you personalized haikus at ten bucks a pop. Join us for an eclectic night, at the intersection between art and politics, as we honor the stories that pass between one generation to another.

Dinner & intimate artists talk 6-7pm $200 (comes with AAWW membership, cocktail tickets & listing as Benefit Committee member)
Special dinner package 3 for $500 (comes with AAWW membership, cocktail tickets & listing as Benefit Committee
Cocktails & readings 7-9pm $50 (comes with membership)
Special cocktail package 3 for $100 (comes with membership)
If you buy or raise $200 in cocktail tickets, you will be listed in the Benefit Committee.
Benefit Committee members will be honored on the Workshop and PAGE TURNER websites, as well as the event program.


marikogordon . Última actualización Nov 02, 2010 6:45 p.m.


noviembre 2010


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