31st Annual NAAAP International Convention - Toronto

  • en

Ago 20138 Ago 201310

Toronto Sheraton Centre
123 Queen St W
Toronto, Ontario

"The National Association of Asian American Professionals proudly invites you to participate in our marquee event, the Annual International Leadership Convention, Career Fair & Diversity Expo this August and see how far we as a community have come. Leadership comes in all sizes, at all ranks, and at all times. NAAAP is seeking convention speakers and panelists who can speak to their experiences of relentless ambition. We are partnering with sponsors who have successfully demonstrated long-term, sustained leadership. And we welcome NAAAP members and non-members who want an intense and intensely fun experience of new ideas, new tools, new friendships, and renewed insights.

NAAAP is the premiere leadership organization for Asian professionals. The Convention is an excellent showcase of the NAAAP organization and its volunteers." 




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SKH . Última actualización Jun 27, 2013 10:02 a.m.

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