Hiroshima: Memoirs of a Survivor

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Nov 201626

Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5E 4M7

Please join us for a talk by author Sachi Komura Rummel

RSVP to jcnm@nikkeiplace.org or 604.777.7000 ext.109

English and Japanese books available for purchase and signing.

In the early morning of August 6th, 1945, an eight year old girl played in the schoolyard with her classmates. Suddenly there was a flash of light followed by a tremendous blast. In an instant her life had changed forever. This is her story of survival and renewal.

She hopes that her life and her story will enable people to reflect on the terror that war and nuclear weapons pose to present and future generations.



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NNMCC . Última actualización Oct 11, 2016 11:46 a.m.

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