Legacy Society Tea

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Community Event

May 201720

Japanese American National Museum
100 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

Each year, JANM hosts an exclusive luncheon for the Legacy Society, a group of donors who have included JANM in their will or other estate documents. This year’s event features noted author and law professor Lorraine K. Bannai, who will speak about her work on the landmark Korematsu v. United States coram nobis case. Invitations will be mailed in April.

To find out more about the Legacy Society, visit janm.org/support/legacy-society or contact Charlien Church at 213.830.5676 or cchurch@janm.org.

Check janm.org for updates.



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JANM . Última actualización Abr 15, 2017 3:54 p.m.


mayo 2017


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