A Legacy of Healing, Rebirth and Leadership: A Smithsonian Affiliations Virtual Scholar Talk

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Nov 202019

Join Smithsonian Affiliations, Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, the Japanese American National Museum, and the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American for a discussion on activism and finding joy after the destruction of trauma, resilience in response to oppression, and ways this has been observed throughout history in Asian American communities.

Dr. Emily Anderson will speak about the important role that religious institutions and individuals played in providing a sense of security and stability for Japanese Americans during World War II. Jessica Rubenacker will present the Wing Luke Museum's recent examples of community healing through art with the Chinatown-International Love Letters campaign, mural project collaboration with artist Moses Sun. Adriel Luis will moderate.




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alexanishimoto . Última actualización Nov 09, 2020 12:53 p.m.


noviembre 2020


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