Art Break with Kristi Lin

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Oct 202227
6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.



Join Kristi Lin, JANM 30 Under 30 Changemaker, for a virtual workshop exploring how the art of weaving can be used to honor both Japanese American traditions and new ideas. Kristi will teach a traditional Japanese weaving technique blended with a contemporary practice–a weaving of the past and present! The workshop will use supplies easily found around your home and is open to all ages.

Kristi Mieko Lin is a landscape architect, sculptural weaver, and one of JANM’s 30 Changemakers Under 30, an honor given as part of JANM’s 30th Anniversary celebrations in 2022. As a 4th generation Japanese American and 3rd generation Chinese  American, Kristi is fascinated by change – how her cultures are changing with each generation and how we also have a desire to preserve the past. Nature is constantly changing too, and as a landscape architect, Kristi looks to nature as a source of artistic inspiration. In her solo exhibition at the Japanese Friendship Garden of San Diego, Kristi created large-scale weavings representing herself by using her clothes dyed in vegetable dyes from her food scraps. She then hung the weavings in the traditional garden so that they swayed in the breeze and faded in the sun. Constantly evolving with nature, Kristi’s work invites us to reflect on how our culture is shaped naturally by our ever-changing world. 

This workshop is part of a series of free art workshops for all ages and skill levels with some of JANM’s 30 Under 30 honorees called Art Break. Art Break is made possible in part by a grant from the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs.

This workshop is part of JANM’s 30th Anniversary Celebrations. Learn more at


JANM . Última actualización Sep 29, 2022 4:29 p.m.


octubre 2022


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