BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100630T000000Z DTEND:20100828T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Tributaries: Reflections of Aiko Suzuki</strong> \n Jun e 30-August 28\n Opening reception June 29\, 7-9pm\n Gallery conversation at 7:30pm\n \n Japanese Canadian National Museum presents <em>Tributaries: Reflections of Aiko Suzuki</em> \, opening June 30\, 2010 at the National Nikkei Museum &amp\; Heritage Centre\, located at 6688 Southoaks Crescent in Burnaby\, BC\, and continuing until August 28.&nbsp\; An opening recep tion will be held Tuesday\, June 29\, 7-9pm.\n \n Aiko Suzuki was a remark able visual artist of national significance who was known as a feminist\, leader and educator in the arts until her death in 2005. This exhibit will pay tribute to Suzuki's life and work through a display of some of her or iginal work and three multimedia installations by noted writer Joy Kogawa\ , new music composer Ann Southam\, and visual artist Grace Channer\, who w ere each inspired by Suzuki and worked in collaboration with Toronto filmm aker Midi Onodera. Suzuki's personal dynamism was both stunning and inspir ing. This is your chance to experience the energy and spirit of this proli fic and fascinating artist.&nbsp\;&nbsp\; \n \n <strong>Aiko Suzuki</stron g> (October 22\, 1937-December 31\, 2005) was originally born in Vancouver \, and later was interned with her family in the Slocan region and then mo ved to Ontario. Aiko was a prolific artist who worked in a wide variety of media\, ranging from textiles\, to spray paint\, to acrylic and oils\, an d monoprints. Her work extended beyond the canvas to include monumental sc ulptural fibre works\, dance sets and smaller multimedia works. In 1994\, Aiko founded the Gendai Gallery at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre i n Toronto- a not-for-profit public art gallery dedicated to the promotion of excellence in contemporary art and design. For 25 years\, she was a men tor to many artists\, and was involved in arts education with countless st udents throughout Toronto. She received numerous awards for her contributi ons\, and in 2005\, she was elected to membership in the Royal Canadian Ac ademy of Arts. \n \n <strong>Midi Onodera</strong> is an award-winning Can adian filmmaker who has been directing\, producing and writing films for o ver twenty years. She has over twenty-five independent short films to her credit as well as a theatrical feature film and several video shorts.&nbsp \; Midi&rsquo\;s films have been critically recognized and included in num erous exhibitions and screenings internationally\, such as the Internation al Festival of Documentary and Short Films\, Bilbao\, Spain\, the Berlin I nternational Film Festival\; and Toronto International Film Festival. \n \ n DTSTAMP:20240602T113520Z SUMMARY:Tributaries: Reflections of Aiko Suzuki URL:/en/events/2010/06/30/tributaries-reflections-of-aiko-suzuki/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR