BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120930T000000Z DTEND:20121231T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A new exhibit\, Moving Days: The Japanese American Experience i n the Santa Clara Valley\, will be featured at the Cupertino Library start ing on September 30\, 2012. The exhibit\, which runs through December 31\, 2012\, will also be accompanied by an exhibit opening reception and a pan el discussion\, Local Japanese Americans Remember World War II\, on Septem ber 30 and a panel discussion\, Civil Liberties and the Japanese American Experience\, on November 18.\n\nThe exhibit and program series is presente d by the Cupertino Library\, the Cupertino Library Foundation (CLF)\, and the Cupertino Historical Society. Community partners for the exhibit and p rogram are JAMsj and the California History Center at De Anza College.\n & nbsp\;\n &quot\;We are very grateful to the Japanese American Museum of Sa n Jose for its generosity.&nbsp\; The museum has provided the Santa Clara Valley History Collaborative with access to a wealth of historical photogr aphs\, artifacts and artwork that poignantly portray many aspects of the l ives of Japanese Americans in the Santa Clara Valley over the last 70 year s\,&quot\; notes Cupertino Community Librarian\, Mark Fink. &quot\;We are fortunate to have the opportunity to bring this powerful and thought-provo king exhibit and series of programs to the community. The Cupertino Librar y Foundation continues to be a catalyst by bringing us all together to sha re our resources.&quot\; DTSTAMP:20240602T181556Z SUMMARY:Moving Days: The Japanese American Experience in the Santa Clara V alley URL:/en/events/2012/09/30/moving-days-the-japanese-american-experience-in/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR