BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121208T000000Z DTEND:20121208T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Reception 6:00pm\nDinner 7:00pm\n\nEnjoy a gourmet dinner prepa red by <strong>French Iron Chef Sakai</strong>\, who appeared on the origi nal TV show <em>Iron Chef</em> and Executive Chef Jonathan Wood of InterCo ntinental LA Century City <em>at Beverly Hills</em>!\n\nIron Chef Sakai wi ll prepare three courses of the dinner and Jonathan Wood will work side-by -side with Iron Chef Sakai to prepare two additional courses. Master Pastr y Chef Orlando Maldonado will collaborate with Iron Chef Sakai to create t he dinner&rsquo\;s dessert. Tickets are limited to 230 and the cost is $45 0.\n\nThe dinner event is presented by <strong>Nitto Tire U.S.A. Inc.</str ong> and the InterContinental LA Century City <em>at Beverly Hills</em>.<s trong>American Airlines</strong> is serving as the event&rsquo\;s official airline sponsor. Proceeds will benefit the Japan America Society of Sout hern California. Pro bono communications services generously provided by < a href="!/about/meet-judy/" target="_blank">GolinH arris</a>.\n\n<em>Iron Chef</em> is a popular television cooking show prod uced in Japan by Fuji Television Network\, Inc. &ldquo\;Iron Chef Sakai LI VE&rdquo\; will be Fuji Television&rsquo\;s first-ever official Iron Chef event outside of Japan and guests will enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime dinne r experience. As each of the six courses are prepared\, large screens will air live video of Iron Chef Sakai in the kitchen. Chef Sakai will also gr eet guests and introduce each course.\n\nFor more information\, to make re servations for Iron Chef Sakai LIVE\, or to learn about sponsorship opport unities\, visit <a href=""></a> or call Kay Amano at (213) 627-6217\, ext. 207.\n\n<strong>Admission</stro ng>\n$450 per guest\n<em>(Seats are limited. Pre-paid reservations require d)</em>\n<em></em>\n<em>Due to the nature of the event\, substitutions and special dietary requests can not be accommodated.</em>\n<a href="http://w\;eventId=577433&amp\;Event ViewMode=EventDetails" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href="http://www.jas-socal .org/Default.aspx?pageId=824060&amp\;eventId=577433&amp\;EventViewMode=Eve ntDetails" target="_blank">To register &gt\;&gt\;</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T122902Z SUMMARY:Iron Chef Sakai LIVE! URL:/en/events/2012/12/08/iron-chef-sakai-live/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR