BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130524T000000Z DTEND:20130721T000000Z DESCRIPTION:This <a href=" ?pageId=1200985&amp\;eventId=601109&amp\;EventViewMode=2&amp\;CalendarView Type=1&amp\;SelectedDate=7/19/2013" target="_blank">exhibition</a>&nbsp\;i s rooted in the historical\, visual\, and cultural&nbsp\;connections betwe en Carnegie Museum of Art&rsquo\;s collection of traditional Japanese prin ts (<em>ukiyo-e</em>) and Carnegie Museum of Natural History&rsquo\;s coll ection of Japanese ivories (<em>okimono</em>). Both Pittsburgh collections originated in the early years of the 20<sup>th</sup>&nbsp\;century\, moti vated by the West&rsquo\;s acceptance of Japan as an emerging modern power \, and the aesthetic appeal of Japanese art to Western artists and collect ors. In 1905 Carnegie Institute&rsquo\;s department of fine arts (predeces sor of Carnegie Museum of Art) mounted its first exhibition of Japanese pr intsundefined95 examples from the collection of poet and critic Sadakichi Hartmannundefinedand in 1910 it displayed in the Museum a selection of H. J. Heinz&rsquo\;s rapidly growing collection of ivories. This exhibition w ill fulfill Carnegie Institute&rsquo\;s original vision for Japanese art: a gallery of the combined collections exemplifying aspects of Japanese cul ture most relevant to the modern West.\nLink:&nbsp\;<a href="http://tjasop\;eventId=601109&am p\;EventViewMode=2&amp\;CalendarViewType=1&amp\;SelectedDate=7/19/2013">ht tp://\;eventI d=601109&amp\;EventViewMode=2&amp\;CalendarViewType=1&amp\;SelectedDate=7/ 19/2013</a>\nMuseum Website:&nbsp\;<a href="">http://w</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T173427Z SUMMARY:“Japan is the key…” Asian Art / Modern Pittsburgh\, 1900-1920 URL:/en/events/2013/05/24/japan-is-the-key-asian-art-modern-pittsburgh/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR