BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140201T000000Z DTEND:20140201T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Big bands and music played vital roles in Japanese American int ernment camps\, whether it was as therapy or as a connection to the Nisei' s American identity. Now JAMsj public programs and CATS are joining forces to bring you a unique fundraiser exploring these roles through a screenin g of the documentary\,<em>&nbsp\;Searchlight Serenade\,&nbsp\;</em>and a Q &amp\;A session with the filmmaker and artist Amy Uyeki. Guests will also be treated to a special live performance of WWII era music by the Wesley J azz Ensemble.\n\n&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<em>Searchlight Serenade</em><span style="f ont-size: 12px\;">&nbsp\;<span style="font-size: 12px\;">gives viewers a f irst-hand look at the big bands formed during WWII in the Japanese America n Internment camps from 1942 to 1945. You'll hear the stories of 9 musicia ns and singers\, including the film's advisor Yoshida (who helped locate t he featured band members)\, Joe Shiro\, Yone Fukui\, and Frances (Chickie) Ishihara White. KEET-TV and Uyeki bring their stories to life through arc hival footage and a 12-minute animation created from Uyeki's original wood block prints and drawings. These works of art were inspired by actual even ts of some of the musicians and singers she interviewed. The film reminds viewers of the positive impact music and art can have on people during dif ficult times.\n\nPlease join us for a Q&amp\;A session after the screening with Uyeki. This session will be followed by a live performance from the Wesley Jazz Ensemble\, who will perform classics such as Glenn Miller's "M oonlight Serenade\," Duke Ellington's "Take the A Train\," and Ray Charles ' "Georgia On My Mind."\nCost: No fee at the door but donations greatly ap preciated.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\nRSVP early. Please contact&nbsp\;PublicProgram\;or call (408) 294-3138 to reserve a spot. Seating is lim ited.\n\n<span style="font-size: 12px\;">You can find more information on big bands in camp at&nbsp\;<a href=" ExdWeLNQXOSLhILOUl1JHDEr0vB7cM5I4qQWzxmyt6tfJkAUv2JMLIDpOQFxi9QgPECok4iSi3 Qibx3ounHbjjR9CIlxA_yRFarWTzU2TXSAdkzQe8tJkSGhWhWPl7aAVP5GrKRKBq_XRY6d5yrv pDogxKwixn25mibp4GigP8DsQd5mW4AVJbtlHPwEIEF2B8SEEjleysKpPbYHKLJxVUu7HnLUg% 3D%3D%26c%3D3KrmiPMZMUr8PxPE42ziIyMIXf5fQabDxazdjubObWh3phycq6b8tg%3D%3D%2 6ch%3DD6q4VPi9LAhowyU_Ck5mysSQhsztwXj0tf2AHv4pwvi_avuu3Y1j0w%3D%3D&amp\;la ng=en" target="_blank"> e/Searchlight_Serenade.html</a>&nbsp\;<span style="font-size: 12px\;">&nbs p\;<span style="font-size: 12px\;">&nbsp\;\n DTSTAMP:20240602T175745Z SUMMARY:Searchlight Serenade + Camp Days Music URL:/en/events/2014/02/01/searchlight-serenade-camp-days-music/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR