BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140301T000000Z DTEND:20140301T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&ldquo\;The Unfinished Business After Redress&rdquo\; is the th eme of the 2014 Day of Remembrance (DOR) program at the Gardena Valley Jap anese Cultural Institute (GVJCI)\, 1:30 to 3:30 PM in the JCI Hall at 1964 West 162nd Street\, Gardena\, CA 90247\, on March 1\, 2014. &nbsp\;The ev ent is free and open to the public.\n\nDOR commemorates the signing of Exe cutive Order 9066 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19\, 1942 . &nbsp\;E.O. 9066 led to the mass removal and imprisonment of 120\,000 pe ople of Japanese ancestry\, &nbsp\; the vast majority of whom were U.S. ci tizens\, in concentration camps administered by a new federal bureaucracy& mdash\;the War Relocation Authority.&nbsp\;\n\nThis year&rsquo\;s DOR them e is especially timely\, for today all Americans live under the threat of &ldquo\;indefinite detention&rdquo\; for &ldquo\;suspicion&rdquo\; of disl oyalty &ndash\; based on a provision in the 2012 Defense Appropriations Ac t that was signed by President Barack Obama in December 2012. &nbsp\;Today \, the DOR is not only an event of interest to Japanese Americans\, but on e that applies to all Americans who value their civil rights.\n\nKeynote s peaker Dr. Lane Hirabayashi occupies a prestigious endowed professorship a t UCLA and his official title underlines his expertise on the subject of t his year&rsquo\;s DOR. &nbsp\;Dr. Hirabayashi is the George and Sakaye Ara tani Professor of the Japanese American Incarceration\, Redress\, and Comm unity. &nbsp\;He is known for his eclectic and scholarly interests and swe eping interpretations\, as reflected in numerous books and articles that f ocus on the wartime Nikkei gulag and diaspora\, but also range from the ea rly Issei pioneers in the Gardena Valley\, to a book on Japanese immigrant s to Latin America and\, most recently\, a book on his uncle Gordon Hiraba yashi. &nbsp\;Professor Hirabayashi will lead a Q &amp\;A session at the c onclusion of the program.\n\nTwo students involved in the Bridging Communi ties project will follow the keynote speaker. &nbsp\;Bridging Communities is a program co-sponsored by the Greater Los Angeles Area chapter of the C ouncil on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)\, Kizuna\, Pacific Southwest d istrict of the Japanese American Citizens League (PSW-JACL)\, Nikkei for C ivil Rights and Redress (NCRR)\, and the National Park Service. &nbsp\;Rea lizing that the experiences of Nikkei after the attack on Pearl Harbor\, H awaii that launched World War II\, and the Muslim community after the terr orist attacks on &ldquo\;9/11&rdquo\; were unfortunately similar\, Bridgin g Communities was created to bring youths from these diverse communities t ogether. &nbsp\;Through cross-cultural and interfaith experiences\, they b uild understanding and partnerships to each other.\n\nEntertainment will b e provided by members of the popular Grateful Crane Ensemble. &nbsp\;Found ed in 2001\, the Grateful Crane Ensemble\, Inc. is a non-profit theatre gr oup whose mission is to present educational and theatrical programs in app reciation for the unique hardships and inspiring contributions of Nikkei i n our nation&rsquo\;s history. &nbsp\;Members of the group will perform at the beginning and end of the program.\n\nA lengthy and diverse list of co -sponsors reflects an effort to nurture collegial support on issues of com mon interest\, and includes Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (66th Assembly Distr ict)\; &nbsp\;Asian-Pacific Islander &amp\; Native American Faculty and St aff Association\, CSUDH\; &nbsp\;California State University Dominguez Hil ls&rsquo\; Library\, Archives and Special Collections\, Friends of the Jap anese Garden\; &nbsp\; Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum\; &nbsp\; Go For Brok e National Education Center\; &nbsp\;Grateful Crane Ensemble\; &nbsp\;Grea ter Los Angeles Singles Chapter of the JACL\; &nbsp\;Japanese American Cul tural Community Center\; &nbsp\;Japanese American Historical Society of Sa n Diego\; &nbsp\;Japanese American Historical Society of Southern Californ ia\; &nbsp\; Japanese American National Museum\; &nbsp\;Kizuna\; &nbsp\;Li ttle Tokyo Historical Society\; &nbsp\;Little Tokyo Service Center\; &nbsp \;Manzanar Committee\; &nbsp\;Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress\; &nbsp\ ;Rafu Shimpo\; &nbsp\;South Bay chapter of the JACL\; &nbsp\;Torrance Hist orical Society\; &nbsp\;Tule Lake Committee\; &nbsp\;UCLA Aratani Endowed Chair\; &nbsp\;UCLA Asian American Studies Program\; &nbsp\;and the UCLA N ikkei Student Union.\n\nFor more information: &nbsp\;Call (310) 324-6611 o r visit our website: &nbsp\;<a href="" target="_ blank"></a> . DTSTAMP:20240602T040208Z SUMMARY:Day of Remembrance at Gardena Valley JCI URL:/en/events/2014/03/01/day-of-remembrance-at-gardena-valley-jci/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR