BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140920T000000Z DTEND:20140920T000000Z DESCRIPTION:What&rsquo\;s in a name?&nbsp\;\n\nDiscover Nikkei is launching a new writing series called &ldquo\;<a href="/en/journal/chronicles/name/ " target="_blank"><strong>Nikkei Names: Taro\, John\, Juan\, Jo&atilde\;o? </strong></a>&rdquo\; to explore what your name says about you\, and the o rigins of Nikkei names.&nbsp\;\n\nIn conjunction with this series\, we are offering&nbsp\;<strong>FREE one-time writing workshops</strong> in multip le cities and countries to encourage submissions to <em>Nikkei Names</em>. These workshops are designed to help students of all writing levels devel op a point of view\, characters\, and a narrative voice to tell their stor ies about their names.&nbsp\;This can include family names\, given names\, and even nicknames!&nbsp\;\n\nPlease join us at our workshops and share y our stories about your name on! &nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Date : Saturday\, September 20\, 2014</strong>&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Time: 2:00 - 4 :00 p.m.</strong>&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Location: Wing Luke Museum of the Asia n Pacific American Experience</strong>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Instructor : Tamiko Nimura</strong>&nbsp\;\n Tamiko Nimura is a Sansei/Pinay writer w ho grew up in Northern California and now lives in Tacoma\, Washington. Sh e is a regular contributor to Discover Nikkei\, <em>Seattle Star</em>\, an d the <em>International Examiner</em>. Before her freelance career\, she t aught writing and literature for ten years. She is currently working on a memoir involving her family&rsquo\;s wartime incarceration in Tule Lake.\n \n<strong>Enrollment limit: &nbsp\;20 people</strong>&nbsp\;\n\nTo guarant ee your space\, please RSVP by emailing us at <a href="mailto:Editor@Disco"></a> and include your name\, conta ct information\, and the date / location for the workshop that you would l ike to attend. &nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Bring:</strong> &nbsp\;\n Paper and pen cils will be provided\, but you are welcome to bring your own writing tool s. A photograph of yourself is also suggested\, both as a writing prompt a nd for your author bio. Most importantly\, participants are expected to br ing an enthusiasm for experimenting with voice and form\, and a willingnes s to explore the theme of <em>Nikkei Names</em> for on-line publication at the Discover Nikkei webpage.\n\n<em>* This program is co-sponsored &amp\; co-hosted by the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experienc e and the Japanese American National Museum.</em>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n<em>\n</e m>\n<strong>For workshops in other locations\, please check as follow:</st rong>&nbsp\;\n\nWorkshops in English\n\n<ul><li><a href="/events/2014/09/2 8/4662/" target="_blank"><strong>Anaheim\, CA: Sunday\, September 28</stro ng></a>&nbsp\;\nat Orange County Buddhist Church &nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/events/2014/07/26/4644/" target="_blank"><strong>Burnaby\, BC: Sat urday\, July 26</strong></a>&nbsp\;\nat Nikkei National Museum &amp\; Cult ural Centre&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><strong><a href="/en/events/2014/ 07/19/4608/" target="_blank">Chicago\, IL: Saturday\, July 19</a>&nbsp\;</ strong>&nbsp\; \nat Church of Christ Presbyterian &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</l i><li><a href="/events/2014/08/23/4646/" target="_blank"><strong>Gardena\, CA: &nbsp\;Saturday\, August 23</strong></a>&nbsp\;\nat Gardena Valley Ja panese Cultural Institute&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/en/events/2014/0 6/28/4607/" target="_blank"><strong>Los Angeles\, CA: &nbsp\;Saturday\, Ju ne 28</strong></a><strong>&nbsp\;</strong>&nbsp\;\nat National Center for the Preservation of Democracy&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/event s/2014/09/21/4619/" target="_blank"><strong>San Jose\, CA: Sunday\, Septem ber 21</strong></a>&nbsp\;\n at Japanese American Museum of San Jose &nbsp \;</li></ul>\n\nWorkshops in other languages\n\n<ul><li><a href="/ja/event s/2014/08/23/4646/" target="_blank"><strong>Gardena\, CA: &nbsp\;Saturday\ , August 23</strong></a> (Japanese &amp\; English)&nbsp\;\nat Gardena Vall ey Japanese Cultural Institute&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><strong><a hre f="/es/events/2014/07/05/4676/" target="_blank">Lima\, Peru: Saturday\, Ju ly 5</a></strong> (Spanish)\nat Centro Cultural Peruano Japon&eacute\;s&nb sp\;</li><li><strong><a href="/es/events/2014/08/16/4677/" target="_blank" >Lima\, Peru: Saturday\, August 16</a></strong> (Spanish)\nat Centro Cultu ral Peruano Japon&eacute\;s&nbsp\;</li><li>S&atilde\;o Paulo\, Brazil: TBA &nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li></ul> DTSTAMP:20240609T111459Z SUMMARY:Seattle - FREE Writing Workshop - Nikkei Names: Taro\, John\, Juan\ , João? URL:/en/events/2014/09/20/seattle-free-writing-workshop-nikkei-names-ta/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR