BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140405T000000Z DTEND:20140427T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the <a href=" shtml">Pan Asian Repertory theatre</a> website:\n\n<strong>FISHING FOR WIV ES</strong> \n \n New York Premiere \n April 5 - April 27\, 2014 \n \n b y Edward Sakamoto\n directed by Ron Nakahara\n <strong>Tickets: $51.25</st rong> - call Telecharge at 212-239-6200\, visit <a href="http://www.telech"></a> or the Theatre Row Box Office\n\n<strong> Discounts available</strong> at <a href="">ww</a> | 212-947-8844 or the Box Office:\n Seniors (65+) $41.25 use code <a href=" p\;MC=trsenr">TRSenr</a> \n Groups (10+) $37 use code <a href="http://www.\;MC=trgroup">TRGroup</a> \n Student s (25 and under\, w/ valid ID\, 1 per ID) $25 use code <a href="http://www\;MC=trstu25">TRStu25</a>\n<strong> <em>&quot\;Funny and insightful!</em> </strong> <em><strong>It is</strong> <strong>beautiful\, engaging\, a bit mysterious...delightfully amusing</s trong> .</em> &quot\;\n -Paulanne Simmons\, <a href="http://www.theaterpiz">Theater Pizzazz!</a>\n<a href="">Fishing For Wives Promo-HD</a> from <a href="ht tp://">Tisa Chang</a> on <a href=""> Vimeo</a> .\n <strong>SPECIAL EVENTS</strong> \n \n Contact Pan Asian Rep: 212-868-4030 or <a href="">info@panasianrep.or g</a> to attend:\n Opening Night ($100): April 10 at 7:30 w/ party\n \n <a href=" ool_Matinee_Flyer_08_22_2013.pdf">School Matinees</a> ($12 per middle or h igh school student\, free for teachers):\n April 8 \, 9\, 23\, 24 \, or 25 \; or to arrange a talk-back for your group\n \n <a href="http://www.panas entation_ffw.pdf">Lilah Kan Red Socks Awards</a> to MARINA CELANDER\, PETE R KIM and ORLANDO PABOTOY will be held after Sunday April 20th 2:30pm mat inee. Ticketholders are invited to the ceremony. Donations of $250 or mor e include complimentary tickets to the show and post-ceremony reception.\ n <a href="">Donate h ere</a> and indicate &quot\;Lilah Kan Red Socks&quot\; in the notes sectio n by April 18. Or call Pan Asian office at 212-868-4030. \ n \n Starring: \n <strong>Bobby Foley</strong>\n<strong>Viet Vo</strong>\n <strong>Akiko Hiroshima</strong>\n<strong>Allison Hiroto</strong>\n<strong >Rebecca Lee Lerman</strong>\n<strong>Kiyo Takami</strong> \n \n Sets: <st rong> Sheryl Liu</strong> \n Lights: <strong> Marie Yokoyama</strong> \n C ostumes: <strong> Carol Pelletier</strong> \n Sound: <strong>Ian Wehrle</s trong> \n Props: <strong> Danielle Baskin</strong> \n Production Stage Man ager: <strong> Elis C. Arroyo</strong> \n Assistant Stage Manager:<strong> Miriam Hyfler</strong>\n\n&ldquo\;Mr. Sakamoto's gift is absolute command of language&hellip\;lines have the power of poetry&hellip\; passionate ch aracters&hellip\; share a wisdom that ought to be common but mostly elude s us because none of us can talk about it so well.&rdquo\;-The New York T imes\n \n It&rsquo\;s 1913\, Hawaii and two immigrant fishermen\, Nishi an d Aoki\, are lonely and bored with only catching fish. Nishi sends for a picture bride from Japan\, but sneaks a photo of his handsome friend in his place. The brides arrive and fall in love &mdash\; with the wrong man &mdash\; setting off&nbsp\; a comedy of errors with mistaken identity\, t ragic drowning\, seeming betrayal and a final surprise turn of events\, c olorfully visualized with mime and movement. Like Horton Foote whose fami ly dramas define Texas country life\, septuagenarian Sakamoto\, specializ es in the rich fabric of Hawaiian myth and language in exploration of mig ration and family dynamics \n \n EDWARD SAKAMOTO&nbsp\;(P laywright) returns to Pan Asian Repertory Theatre with FISHING FOR WIVES\ , his nineteenth play in a career spanning five decades. His plays have b een staged in various venues\, including East West Players in Los Angeles \, Kumu Kahua Theatre in Hawai'i and in cities like Sacramento\, San Fran cisco\, Stockton\, etc. In 1998 Sakamoto received the Hawai'i Award for L iterature\, the highest literary honor presented by the Hawai'i State Cou ncil. Then Gov. Cayetano presented the award to Sakamoto in a special cer emony at the Hawai'l State Capitol. He received Po'okela theater awards f or ALOHA LAS VEGAS and OUR HEARTS WERE TOUCHED WITH FIRE. During his care er he was awarded the Rockefeller Foundation Playwright in Residence gran t. He was graduated from the University of Hawai'i with a B.A. degree in English. He worked thirty years as a newspaperman spending twenty years a s a copy editor at the Los Angeles Times. DTSTAMP:20240603T120949Z SUMMARY:Pan Asian Repertory Theatre: Fishing for Wives URL:/en/events/2014/04/05/pan-asian-repertory-theatre-fishing-for-wives/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR