BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160206T000000Z DTEND:20160206T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On <strong>Saturday\, February 6th\, 2016\, 1:00 PM</strong>\, the <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Okinawa Associ ation of America (OAA)</a> in Gardena</strong> will host a special event f ocusing on Lunar New Year&rsquo\;s traditions in Okinawa. A Skype video le cture will be presented by <strong>Eric Wada</strong> from Hawaii. Mr. Wad a is co-founder of <strong><a href=" udan-Ryukyu-Performing-Arts-Troupe-388214160978" target="_blank">Ukwanshin Kabudan</a></strong>\, a non-profit organization specializing in traditio nal Ryukyuan culture and performing arts. <strong>RSVP is required due to limited seating and parking.</strong>\n\nTopics will include traditional p ractices and rituals\, Okinawa's relationship with the Lunar calendar and Feng Shui\, the significance of shishimai (lion dance)\, plus more.\nThe l ecture will be bookended with live performances of traditional Okinawan so ngs and dances that are associated with New Year celebrations. English tra nslations of the lyrics will be provided.\n\nThis event is part of an ongo ing series of educational programs at the OAA. Admission is <strong>free f or current OAA members</strong> and <strong>$5 for non-members</strong>. T he OAA is located at <strong>16500 S. Western Ave.\, Gardena 90247</strong >. RSVP is required: <strong></strong> or <strong>310- 532-1929</strong>. DTSTAMP:20240602T152236Z SUMMARY:Lunar New Year in Okinawa: Lecture and Performance URL:/en/events/2016/02/06/lunar-new-year-in-okinawa-lecture-and-performance / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR