BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160520T000000Z DTEND:20160522T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The San Jose J-Town FilmFest is a celebration of the multi-ethn ic community and rich history of San Jose's historic Japantown. An all vol unteer-run effort by a diverse team of community members\, the film festiv al showcases independent films primarily by Asian and Pacific Island Ameri can filmmakers and offers quality programming\, giving the community a cha nce to interact with the creative talents behind these films. www.JTownFil\n\n<strong>FRIDAY </strong>(May 20)\n\n<strong>&nbsp\;7:00 PM&nb sp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<a href=" /" target="_blank">AWESOME ASIAN BAD GUYS</a>&nbsp\;</strong>(NCC)\n<stron g>&nbsp\;9:00 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<a href=" own-cowboys/" target="_blank">K-TOWN COWBOYS</a></strong>(NCC)\n\n<strong> SATURDAY </strong>(May 21)\n<strong>11:00 AM&nbsp\;&nbsp\; <a href="http:/ /" target="_blank">TOP SPIN</a> </strong>(NCC)\ n<strong>&nbsp\; 1:00 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\; <a href=" mong-b-boys/" target="_blank">AMONG B-BOYS</a> </strong>(NCC)\n<strong>&nb sp\; 2:30 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<a href=" f-passage/" target="_blank">RIGHT OF PASSAGE</a> </strong>(NCC)\n<strong>& nbsp\; 5:00 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<a href=" ash/" target="_blank">THE WASH</a> </strong>(NCC)\n<strong>&nbsp\; 7:15 PM &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; FILMFEST RECEPTION </strong>(NCC)\n<strong>&nbsp\; 8 :30 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<a href=" /" target="_blank">MAN FROM RENO</a>&nbsp\;</strong>(NCC)\n\n<strong>SUNDA Y</strong> (May 22)\n<strong>11:00 AM&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<a href="http://" target="_blank">DIGGING TO CHINAT OWN</a> </strong>(JAMsj)\n<strong>12:30 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\; <a href="http://j" target="_blank">HAFU</a> </strong>(JAMsj)\n<strong >&nbsp\;1:30 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\; <a href=" m-the-jungle-right-to-dream-too/" target="_blank">EXODUS FROM THE JUNGLE + R2D2</a>&nbsp\;(Free\, Wesley)</strong>\n<strong>&nbsp\;2:30 PM&nbsp\;&nb sp\; <a href="" target="_ blank">RESISTANCE AT TULE LAKE</a> </strong>(JAMsj)\n\nVENUES\n<em>All Scr eenings are in San Jose&rsquo\;s historic Japantown.&nbsp\; </em>\n<strong ></strong>\n<strong>FRIDAY and SATURDAY:\n</strong>&ndash\; JTS Northside Community Center (NCC\, 488 N. Sixth Street\, San Jose\, CA 95112).\n\n<st rong>SUNDAY (two venues):\n</strong>&ndash\; Japanese American Museum of S an Jose (535 N. Fifth Street\, San Jose\, CA 95112) and\n &ndash\; Wesley United Methodist Church (566 N. Fifth Street\, San Jose\, CA 95112).\n\nEx ecutive Producers: Contemporary Asian Theater Scene (CATS) with J-Town Com munity TV\, Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj)\, and Multicultur al Arts Leadership Institute (MALI).\n\nFilmFest Executive Director: Duane Kubo\n\nSunday's free screening is co-presented by the Com(e) Passion Com mittee at Wesley United Methodist Church.\n\nSponsorship opportunities: <a href="" target="_blank">http://jtow</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T184819Z SUMMARY:San Jose J-Town FilmFest URL:/en/events/2016/05/20/san-jose-j-town-filmfest/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR