BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161006T000000Z DTEND:20161006T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The symposium features two key leaders from Japan&rsquo\;s majo r institutions &ndash\; Mr. Masatsugu (Mat) Nagato from the Japan Post Hol dings Co.\, Ltd and Mr. Yasushi Kinoshita from the Development Bank of Jap an Inc (DBJ). Both speakers will share their views and experiences on the privatization of their respective institutions even though still formally owned by the government. &nbsp\;Mr. Nagato&rsquo\;s talk\, titled &ldquo\; Japan Post Privatization: The Political Intention and the Business Effects \,&rdquo\; will address The Japan Postal privatization which began in 2005 \, led by Prime Minister Koizumi and which is currently in its privatizati on phase. Japan Post Holdings oversees the group that includes the JAPAN P OST BANK\, which is an operator of the former government post office savin gs system\; it is the largest financial institution in Japan. Mr. Kinoshit a&rsquo\;s talk\, titled &ldquo\;Blending Finance to Grow: The Public-Priv ate Partnership in Developed Economies&rdquo\; will consider DBJ&rsquo\;s efforts to achieve privatization after its formation in 2008. The DBJ was established as part of the Government&rsquo\;s effort to promote administr ative reform for a more simple and efficient government. It provides loans \, and equity investments\, particularly including Crisis Response Operati ons and Special Investment Operations\, for regional revitalization and re inforcement of enterprise competitiveness.\n<em>Biographies:</em>\nMasatsu gu (Mat) Nagato&nbsp\;began his career at the Industrial Bank of Japan in 1972\, beginning a distinguished career that saw him join Japan Post Holdi ngs in 2016 as President and CEO\, and Representative Executive Officer.\n In the intervening years he held a number of positions\, including: Managi ng Executive Officer at both Industrial Bank of Japan and The Mizuho Bank\ , Ltd.\; Corporate Executive Vice President and later Representative Direc tor and Deputy President of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.\; Director\, Chairm an of Citibank Japan Ltd.\; and President and CEO\, and Representative Exe cutive Officer of Japan Post Bank.\nMr. Nagato graduated from Hitotsubashi University with a Bachelor of Sociology and holds a Master of Arts of Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.\nYasushi Kin oshita&nbsp\;is the Deputy President at the Development Bank of Japan Inc. He was also the former Administrative Vice Minister at the Ministry of Fi nance. Since first joining the Ministry in 1979\, Mr. Kinoshita focused on fiscal policy\, monetary policy\, banking supervision\, and macroeconomic policy. He spent fifteen years in the Budget Bureau\, five years in the B anking Bureau\, six years in the Minister&rsquo\;s Secretariat for Policy Coordination\, four years in international finance-related areas\, and thr ee years at the Prime Minister&rsquo\;s Office. After he left the Ministry of Finance\, Mr. Kinoshita served as an advisor at Tokio Marine Holdings\ , Inc. He was also a Visiting Fellow at the Center on Japanese Economy and Business of Columbia Business School from October 2014 &ndash\; March 201 5. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Law degree at The University of Tok yo.\n&nbsp\;\nThis event is part of CJEB's 30th Anniversary Public Program Series\, celebrating CJEB's establishment at CBS in 1986.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n Advance registration is required.\nGeneral Contact:&nbsp\;Emiko Mizumura\, &nbsp\;<a href="">\n</a>Media Contact: Ryoko Ogino\,&nbsp\;<a href="">ro2</a>\nPlease be advised that this event will be photograph ed by the organizer\, so your image may appear on our website later. &nbsp \;If this is an issue\, please let us know. &nbsp\;Thank you. DTSTAMP:20240602T162751Z SUMMARY:Private Views on Japanese Government Corporations URL:/en/events/2016/10/06/private-views-on-japanese-government-corporations / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR