BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170909T000000Z DTEND:20171202T000000Z DESCRIPTION:- Are you interested in Japanese culture?\n- Do you use Japanes e at work?\n- Do you want to use Japanese when you visit Japan?\n- Do you want to re-discover your Japanese heritage?\n\nNow is the time to start le arning Japanese!!\n\nWe will study introduction to the basic structure of the Japanese language\, including proper pronunciation\, grammar\, basic v ocabulary\, and simple everyday conversation.&nbsp\;The class is held ever y Saturday from 9 am at UH Manoa Campus.&nbsp\;\n\nThis class is open to p eople who never have learned Japanese before. We have students from variou s ages and backgrounds studying here!! Let's start learning Japanese toget her!\n\nTO register\, please go to UH Outreach Noncredit courses' website. If you have any question\, please feel free to contact the teacher Reina Hirose Horton by\n\nI am looking forward to seeing you! DTSTAMP:20240602T093704Z SUMMARY:University of Hawaii Manoa Outreach Japanese language course URL:/en/events/2017/09/09/university-of-hawaii-manoa-outreach-japanese-lang u/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR