BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190309T000000Z DTEND:20190309T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Eight years after the Fukushima Daiichi tragedy:\nFree documentary screening\, &ldquo\;Fukushima Speaks&rdquo\;</strong>\n<strong > </strong>\n<strong></strong>On <strong>Saturday\, March 9\, 1 - 5 p.m.\, </strong> the Fukushima Support Committee will host <strong>the North Amer ica premiere of &ldquo\;Fukushima Speaks\,&rdquo\;</strong> the compelling feature-length documentary by award-winning director and independent jour nalist\, Toshikuni Doi. <strong>The free screening will take place at Art Share Los Angeles.</strong>\n\n&ldquo\;It is not enough for a journalist t o report facts and news of what is happening\, but rather it is the journa list's duty to expose the &lsquo\;human&rsquo\; underneath it all\,&rdquo\ ; Doi stated. &ldquo\;If we fail to shed light on [universal themes] and j ust succeed in reporting on facts and news\, to the audience\, it will com e across as just a matter that is happening somewhere far away\, unrelated to them.&rdquo\;\n\nFour years in the making\, Doi has created a heart-wr enching look into the lives of Japanese residents whose lives were devasta ted by the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Haunting images and vi deo footage of the aftermath are reinforced by fourteen personal stories o f despair\, guilt\, and outrage.\n\n&ldquo\;I lost the &lsquo\;cornerstone of my life\,&rsquo\;&rdquo\; Yoko Watanabe\, a self-evacuee\, said in her interview. &ldquo\;I was determined to bury myself in Katsurao village. T hat was taken away from me. The reason to live\, volunteering\, everything was taken away from me in a flash. Now I don&rsquo\;t know anymore what I live for. I wonder if I am really needed in this life\, and I don&rsquo\; t know anymore.&rdquo\;\n\nThe suffering of Fukushima survivors continue t o this day. While the mourning of lost life is obvious\, the film also exp lores the dire realities that are often overlooked: the loss of livelihood s due to the contamination of land and ocean\, the life-threatening risks caused by radiation exposure\, the emotional turmoil of families being tor n apart by the decision to stay or evacuate\, and the discrimination that residents now face because they are from Fukushima.\n\nAnother self-evacue e\, Hikaru Hoshi\, expressed indignation: &ldquo\;They want to blame it on us and say it was our responsibility. Whether to leave or stay. [...] I d o not allow them to shift the burden of the accident of enormous scale to individual choices/individual responsibilities. [...] We lived in the area that needed to be evacuated right away. That fact was concealed from us\, and some of us left on our own\, or like me\, some did not have time to t hink it through but left anyway. I felt outraged that this country was put ting us against each other. The root of the matter lies somewhere else.&rd quo\;\n\nDoi pointed out the urgency of releasing this documentary: &ldquo \;Eight years since the accident\, &lsquo\;Fukushima&rsquo\; is being made into the thing of the past\,&rdquo\; he said. &ldquo\;As more people focu s on the 2020 Tokyo Olympics\, the victims are silenced and their sufferin g is hidden away behind the news of &lsquo\;revitalization.&rsquo\; Howeve r\, the wounds of the victims whose lives have been destroyed by the accid ent are still raw.&rdquo\;\n\nEnglish subtitles for the documentary were t ranslated and edited by event organizer Tsukuru Lauritzen with the help of fellow activists in Los Angeles.\n\n&ldquo\;I contacted the director and heard that the English subtitles won&rsquo\;t be ready till 2020\,&rdquo\; Lauritzen recalled. &ldquo\;I asked him if there is any way that I could take over the translation. Looking back on it\, it was an insane idea\, bu t I was compelled to take it on\, because these fourteen voices begged to be heard.&rdquo\;\n\nScheduled days before the eighth anniversary of the c atastrophe\, this screening is a grassroots effort to ensure that the vict ims of Fukushima Daichi and its aftereffects will not be forgotten.\n\nHar vey "Sluggo" Wasserman\, author and radio host of Solartopia Green Power a nd Wellness Hour\, will speak on shutting down Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Libbe HaLevy\, host/producer of Nuclear Hotseat and author of "Yes\, I Glo w in the Dark!: One Mile from Three Mile Island to Fukushima and Nuclear H otseat\," will offer closing thoughts.\n\n<strong>Art Share L.A. is locate d at 801 East 4th Place\, Los Angeles 90013.</strong> This is a free event \, but donations are greatly appreciated. For more information\, please co ntact Tsukuru Lauritzen at or visit <a href="" target="_blank"> ks</a> (Facebook event page).\n\n<strong>About the Filmmaker\n</strong>Tos hikuni Doi\, born in 1953\, is a Japanese independent journalist. He has p ublished numerous articles in many first-class journals and has made score s of documentary films for news programs. He also has many books published in Japan. Since 1985\, he has visited the occupied territories many times and almost lived there for months\, extensively reporting from Palestinia n villages and refugee camps.He also has covered Asia\, notably atomic bom b victims in Korea who were in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in 1945\, Korean wome n who were forced to become sex workers/slaves by the Japanese army\, and street children in Thailand and Vietnam. Since April 2003\, he has visited Iraq under occupation four times\, focusing on civilian victims of war\, women&rsquo\;s rights and prisoners' mistreatment\, or torture.\n\n<strong >About Fukushima Support Committee\n</strong>Founded in 2017\, Fukushima S upport Committee is a grassroots group of citizens who seek justice for th e victims of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. The purpose of the gr oup is to inform the American public in Los Angeles and beyond of the real ities of Fukushima\, to raise awareness for the dangers of all things nucl ear\, and to engage in political activism to bring forth a nuclear-free fu ture. DTSTAMP:20240602T135531Z SUMMARY:Fukushima Speaks - Free Documentary Screening URL:/en/events/2019/03/09/fukushima-speaks-free-documentary-screening/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR