BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190511T000000Z DTEND:20190511T000000Z DESCRIPTION:It&rsquo\;s the first day of young Kimi&rsquo\;s ninja training when a group of monsters is accidentally unleashed. She&rsquo\;ll need he lp from her ninja mom\, inventor dad\, and grandmother warrior&nbsp\;<em>b achan</em>&nbsp\;to get through her first ninja lesson!\n\nAuthor Ren Hana mi and illustrator Don Schmidt will be at JANM to read from their book\,&n bsp\;<em>Ninja Mom and Tengonis in the Tiki</em>. They will also provide a short martial arts demonstration for children in the audience and sign bo oks following the reading.&nbsp\;\n\nIncluded with&nbsp\;<a href="http://w" target="_blank">museum admission</a>. Space is limited. RSVPs are recommended using the link below. Members can <a hre f="\;txobjid=363 ca1fa-91bf-40a7-ab3e-25e5c3e28c82" target="_blank">RSVP</a> for a Members Only Meet-and-Greet from 1:00pm to 2:00pm i<span style="color: #333333\; f ont-family: Arial\;">n the Nancy K. Araki Community Education Center.\n<sp an style="color: #333333\; font-family: Arial\;">\n<em><a href="https://96\;txobjid=9245f893-96e4-41 f9-a1dc-028be6d88b95" target="_blank">RSVP NOW &gt\;&gt\;</a></em>\n<span style="color: #333333\; font-family: Arial\;"><span style="color: #333333\ ; font-family: Arial\;">\n<strong><a href=" ninja-mom-and-tengonis" target="_blank">Available at the JANM Store.</a></ strong>\n<strong></strong><em></em>\n\nCheck <a href=" events/2019/05/#11" target="_blank"></a> for updates.\n\n<strong>< /strong><em></em><strong></strong><em></em> DTSTAMP:20240602T111420Z SUMMARY:Reading and Signing—"Ninja Mom and the Tengonis in the Tiki" URL:/en/events/2019/05/11/reading-and-signingninja-mom-and-the-tengonis-in/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR