BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190713T000000Z DTEND:20190714T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Annual Japanese Bazaar at Souther Alameda County Buddhist Churc h is during the weekend of July 13-14!\n\nFOOD - GAMES - ENTERTAINMENT - S ILENT AUCTION &amp\; MORE!\n\nFood: Japanese cuisine - chicken teriyaki\, gyoza\, udon\, sushi &amp\; manju\n\n<span style="white-space: pre\;"> Plu s... TeriBurgers\, TeriDogs\, corn-on-the-cob\, shave ice\n\nEntertainment : O-Nami Taiko (Japanese Drums)\, Kendo\, Japanese Dance\, Hula Dancing\, Ikebana Exhibit\, Bonsai Exhibit &amp\; Demonstration\, Buddhism Mini-lect ure\, Boutique &amp\; Crafts\, Bookstore &amp\; more.\n\nGames: Bingo!\, D emon Smash\, Koi Pond\, Nickle Pitch&nbsp\;\n\n<span style="white-space: p re\;"> FUN for the whole family!\n\nAdmission: FREE! DTSTAMP:20240602T113343Z SUMMARY:57th Annual Japanese Bazaar- South Alameda Buddhist Church URL:/en/events/2019/07/13/57th-annual-japanese-bazaar-south-alameda-buddhis / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR