BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200701T000000Z DTEND:20200701T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>STUDENT COURSE FOR TEENS\n</strong>\n<strong>Wednesday\ , July 1\, 4 - 5 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</strong><em><a href="https://www.thetime" target="_blank">Calculate your local time</a></em>\n<s trong>\n<span style="color: red\;">PLEASE NOTE:</strong><strong>&nbsp\;Thi s course will be conducted online via&nbsp\;<a href=" oad" target="_blank">Zoom</a>.</strong>&nbsp\;To participate fully\, you w ill need access to a device with internet\, microphone\, and camera (such as a laptop\, smartphone\, or tablet). Further instructions will be provid ed the day before the class. Please note that all times listed are New Yor k time (EDT/UTC-04:00).\nThis summer\, we are offering a six-session cours e is for beginner artists to establish the basic drawing skills\, characte r design\, and story development needed to for manga design. Join our free trial lesson for a fun\, interactive preview!\n<strong>Registration:&nbsp \;</strong>To register\, please contact the Education &amp\; Family team a t&nbsp\;<a href="">jseducation@japansoc</a>. Adult accompaniment recommended. Space is limited to 10 stud ents per session: advanced registration required. DTSTAMP:20240602T175432Z SUMMARY:Manga for Beginners: Free Trial Lesson URL:/en/events/2020/07/01/manga-for-beginners-free-trial-lesson/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR