BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201014T000000Z DTEND:20201014T000000Z DESCRIPTION:***LIVE WEBINAR***\n<span style="font-size: 13px\;"><strong>Wed nesday\, October 14\, 8&mdash\;9:15 AM EDT</strong> &nbsp\; <a href="http s://" target="_blank"><em>Calculate your loca l time</em> </a> \n \n The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the momentum for ESG globally. Investors increasingly consider firms&rsquo\; environme ntal\, social and governance performance when allocating capital&mdash\;h alf of professionally managed assets now involve an ESG filter. New regul ation will force companies to disclose more detail about their businesses and increasingly define what counts as sustainable activity. Social issu es are rising up shareholders&rsquo\; agenda as customers\, employees and politicians demand more from business\, requiring companies to address ESG issues in a more sophisticated way with the right strategy\, communic ations and engagement approaches. In this ESG webinar\, our panelists wil l focus on which elements of the ESG agenda are becoming priorities\, bes t practice communications and reporting\, and the factors to consider whe n setting an ESG strategy. \n <strong>\n Speakers:</strong>\n<strong>Kal G oldberg</strong> \, Partner\, Finsbury (New York)\n <strong>Ruban Yogaraja h</strong> \, Managing Director\, Finsbury (London)\n <strong>Nicholas Ben es</strong> \, Representative Director\, The Board Director Training Insti tute of Japan\; Independent Director\, ADVANTEST \n \n <strong>Moderator: </strong>\n<strong>Minako Hattori</strong> \, Managing Director\, Finsbury (Tokyo) \n \n <strong>Agenda:</strong>\n\n8&mdash\;9:15 AM\nDiscussion an d Q&amp\;A\n\n<strong>Admission:</strong> \n This is a free event. You mus t register for the webinar to receive the login details. Registrants will receive a link to access the live webinar one day before the event. \n \ n For more information\, please contact the Business and Policy Program at 212-715-1208 or email <a href="">register</a> .\n\n***LIVE WEBINAR*** DTSTAMP:20240602T091758Z SUMMARY:Best Practices in ESG: A View from the U.S.\, Europe &amp\; Japan URL:/en/events/2020/10/14/best-practices-in-esg-a-view-from-the-us-europ/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR