BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201010T000000Z DTEND:20201010T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><em>Kagoshima 9066 Westridge</em></strong>\, cowritten by Frank Sata and Naomi Hirahara\, traces the life of Sata&rsquo\;s father \, J.T. Sata\, through his photographs\, sketches\, paintings and sculptur es. A man committed to a life of art&mdash\;not necessarily as a professio n\, J.T. emigrated to America from Kagoshima in 1918. In Los Angeles\, he was active with the Issei photo community while working odd jobs. During W orld War II\, J.T.\, his wife\, Yoshie\, and Frank were incarcerated at Sa nta Anita Assembly Center and the concentration camps in Jerome\, Arkansas \, and Gila River\, Arizona. <em>Kagoshima 9066 Westridge</em> includes ar twork completed in all three detention centers as well as candid snapshots J.T. took after World War II on the campus of Westridge\, an exclusive gi rls&rsquo\; school in Pasadena\, where he worked as a janitor until his re tirement.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Frank Sata</strong> will discuss the impact of his father&rsquo\;s art and why he felt compelled to publish this book in this moment with <strong>Bryan Takeda</strong> of the Nikkei Federation. Co-writer <strong>Naomi Hirahara</strong> will also be presenting selectio ns from the book and discussing the process of creating this visual histor y. <strong>Yvonne Ng</strong>\, Librarian at the Arcadia Public Library\, and <strong>Shawn Iwaoka</strong>\, Collections Assistant at JANM\, will h ighlight the history of the Santa Anita Park racetrack\, where Sata was in carcerated\, and how the library and museum&rsquo\;s collections preserve that history.\n\n<em>This project was fulfilled with support from the Cali fornia Civil Liberties Public Education Grant\, a program of the Californi a State Library\, and is in partnership with the <a href="https://www.arca" target="_blank">Arcadia Public Library</a>.\n</em>\n<a href="" target="_bla nk">Kagoshima 9066 Westridge will be available in limited quantities throu gh the JANM Store.\n</a>\n<strong><span style="text-decoration: underline\ ;"><a href="\;tx objid=409c978e-f55c-4bae-aa4d-3179d672d69d" target="_blank">RSVP NOW</a></ strong> DTSTAMP:20240602T185046Z SUMMARY:JT Sata: A Japanese Immigrant in Search of Western Art URL:/en/events/2020/10/10/jt-sata-a-japanese-immigrant-in-search-of-western / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR