BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210612T000000Z DTEND:20210612T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In his newest book\,&nbsp\;<em>The Unsung Great: Stories of Ext raordinary Japanese Americans</em>\, scholar and journalist&nbsp\;<strong> <a href="/en/journal/author/robinson-greg/">Greg Robinson</a></strong>&nbs p\;reveals the diverse experiences of Japanese Americans and explores a we alth of themes\, including mixed-race families\, artistic pioneers\, mass confinement\, civil rights activism\, and queer history. Robinson will spe ak more to his process uncovering these stories and\, in honor of LGBTQ+ P ride month\, he will highlight his chapter on the often unheard stories of queer Nikkei people throughout time. He will be joined in discussion by o ther scholars and experts of LGBTQ Nikkei history\,&nbsp\;<strong><a href= "/en/journal/author/van-harmelen-jonathan/">Jonathan Van Harmelen</a></str ong>\,&nbsp\;Randall Kikukawa\, and&nbsp\;Tina Takemoto.\n\nDrawn primaril y from Robinson&rsquo\;s popular writings in the San Francisco newspaper N ichi Bei Weekly and community website Discover Nikkei\,&nbsp\;<em>The Unsu ng Great</em>&nbsp\;offers entertaining and compelling stories that challe nge one-dimensional views of Japanese Americans.\n\n<a href="https://janms" target="_blank"><em>The Unsung Great</ em>&nbsp\;is available at the JANM Store.</a>\n<a href="https://janmstore. com/search?type=product&amp\;q=greg+robinson" target="_blank"> </a>\n<a hr ef="\;q=greg+robinson" target ="_blank"></a><strong>RSVPs are required</strong>.&nbsp\;You will be email ed Zoom links and instructions on how to join our webinar. Please register with the email that is the best way to reach you. Contact publicprograms@ if you have any additional questions or specific access concerns. \n\n<a style="font-weight: bold\;" href=" m/9644p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=f789ce32-38d1-4a6c-ae5f-1ead64fef2f1" t arget="_blank">RSVP NOW</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T183738Z SUMMARY:The Unsung Great: Uncovering Nikkei Histories with Greg Robinson URL:/en/events/2021/06/12/the-unsung-great-uncovering-nikkei-histories-with / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR