BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210603T000000Z DTEND:20210603T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In May 2020\, JANM&nbsp\;<a href=" 020-05-28/anti-asian-racism-past-present-our-hopes-future" target="_blank" >hosted a program in response to the surge of prominent Anti-Asian attacks </a>&nbsp\;where we reflected on violence in our community&rsquo\;s past a nd future. Now\, almost a year later\, with the COVID-19 pandemic having c hanged how we all move through the world\, the renewed visibility of hate crimes in our community is still a concern and the mass shooting in Atlant a has highlighted the vulnerability especially of low income women and eld ers. How do we center these voices and needs in our work? What have we lea rned over the last year about our responses to violence and how we seek ju stice and safety? What work is there still to do?&nbsp\;\n\nIn a conversat ion moderated by&nbsp\;<strong>Karen Ishizuka</strong>\, Chief Curator at JANM\,&nbsp\;<strong>Elena Shih</strong>\, Professor of American and Ethni c Studies at Brown University\,&nbsp\;<strong>Azadeh N. Shahshahani</stron g>\, Legal &amp\; Advocacy Director at Project South\, and&nbsp\;<strong>C ynthia Choi</strong>\, Co-Director at Chinese for Affirmative Action and S top AAPI Hate\, will share their insights and experiences over the last ye ar and spark dialogue around these questions for our collective growth.\n\ n<em>This program is a presentation of JANM&rsquo\;s National Center for t he Preservation of Democracy and is&nbsp\;made possible through a generous contribution from&nbsp\;<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://makevis" target="_blank"></a>\n</em>\n<a href="https://96\;txobjid=2f8513f0-05b9-4c 9a-90a5-3277dded8691" target="_blank"><strong>RSVP NOW</strong></a>\n\nYou will be emailed Zoom links and instructions on how to join our webinar. P lease register with the email that is the best way to reach you. Contact p if you have any additional questions or specific ac cess concerns. DTSTAMP:20240602T180548Z SUMMARY:One Year Later: Gender &amp\; Anti-Asian Violence URL:/en/events/2021/06/03/one-year-later-gender-amp-anti-asian-violence/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR