BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210925T000000Z DTEND:20210925T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Saturday\, September 25 • 5 p.m. (PDT)</strong>\n\n<u l><li>2 p.m. (Honolulu)</li><li>5 p.m. (Los Angeles / Seattle)</li><li>7 p .m. (Chicago / Lima / Mexico City)</li><li>8 p.m. (New York)</li><li>9 p.m . (Buenos Aires / São Paulo)</li><li>Sunday\, September 26 • 8 a.m. (Ma nila)</li><li>Sunday\, September 26 • 9 a.m. (Tokyo)</li><li>Sunday\, Se ptember 26 • 10 a.m. (Sydney)</li></ul>\n\n<strong>Interested in helping us grow our project? Become a Discover Nikkei volunteer!</strong>\n\nJoin us for a virtual Volunteer “Open House” event. Learn about volunteeri ng opportunities and meet Discover Nikkei’s staff and volunteers. Curren t volunteers are encouraged to join us for an opportunity to get to know e ach other.\n\nFollowing a brief presentation and Q&amp\;A\, we will have b reakout groups with more in-depth sessions to learn about specific volunte er opportunities. There will also be an optional time afterwards for addit ional questions or networking for those that are interested.\n\nPlease fil l out the RSVP form at the link below. We will send you the Zoom link to a ccess the virtual Open House.\n\n<a href=" e/1FAIpQLSdiJl_RHbmKNMr4bEQLMm4dGfXKuhIKz1O65Egtd08hXkG7XQ/viewform" targe t="_blank"><strong>RSVP NOW</strong></a>\n\nFor more information about vol unteering for Discover Nikkei\, check out our <strong><a href="/about/join -our-team">Join Our Team</a></strong> page! If you are unable to attend bu t are still interested in volunteering\, contact us at editor@DiscoverNikk and we can schedule a separate meeting with you.\n\nPlease note tha t volunteers must be able to communicate in writing and verbally in basic English\, although Japanese and Spanish can be accommodated as secondary l anguages. DTSTAMP:20240612T063859Z SUMMARY:Discover Nikkei Volunteer Open House URL:/en/events/2021/09/25/discover-nikkei-volunteer-open-house/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR