BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211019T000000Z DTEND:20211019T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Tuesday\, October 19 at 7–8 pm EDT (4–5 pm PDT)\n\nWhat is Zen? It is a term most people are familiar with\, but for which few are ab le to find deeper understanding. This religious tradition has influenced n ot only Japanese culture and spiritual practices immensely\, but has also had a significant impact on Western society. At this talk\, we invite scho lars and practitioners to share their unique perspectives\, examining Zen' s role and perception in Japan and the West\, differences in practices\, a nd the path forward in a post-COVID world. <em>This is the second of the five-part </em>Living Traditions <em>webinar series.</em>\n\nSpeakers:\n Daiko Matsuyama\, Deputy Head Priest of Taizo-in\, Zen Buddhist Temple\; V isiting Lecturer at Stanford University\nShoko Mekata\, Post-Doc Associate \, Department of South Asian Studies\, Harvard University\nDave Morin\, Co -founder &amp\; Managing Director\, Offline Ventures\n\nModerator:\nPaul S . Atkins\, Professor in the Department of Asian Languages &amp\; Literatur e\, University of Washington\n\nAgenda\n7-8 pm EDT (4-5 pm PDT)    Dis cussion and Q&amp\;A\n\nProgram Details: This is a free event\, with adva nce registration required. The program will be live-streamed through YouTu be\, and registrants will receive the viewing link by email on the event d ay. Participants can submit questions through YouTube during the live stre am. DTSTAMP:20240602T100442Z SUMMARY:Zen and Japanese Spiritual Practices (Online Event) URL:/en/events/2021/10/19/zen-and-japanese-spiritual-practices-online-event / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR