BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211217T000000Z DTEND:20211217T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Did you know that the Northwest Nikkei Museum is home to one of the nation’s largest collections of 78 rpm Japanese records? Join<a hre f=""><strong> Paul Kikuchi</strong></a>\, music ian and faculty member at South Seattle College\, <strong>Rob Millis</stro ng>\, musician and expert on 78 rpm recordings\, and <strong>Noah Jacobsen </strong>\, current manager and intern for the records collection at the N orthwest Nikkei Museum\, for a discussion about the history of this projec t and the rare records that this collection holds. There will be music and time to listen to some of the wonderful songs that people have donated th roughout the years. From traditional biwa to boogie woogie of the 1950s\, the records encapsulates a wide variety of music genres and the Northwest Nikkei Museum hopes you join us for a musical night.\n\nRegister today!\n< a href=" 3pmmZL3qfY5sTnEJnNAapQyG2J_hHURZznlTYUc" target="_blank">https://www.jcccw .org/speaker-series</a>\n(Registration will close at 5 pm on December 16\, 2021)\n\nAbout Paul Kikuchi\n\n\n\nAbout Rob M ills\n\n DTSTAMP:20240610T143514Z SUMMARY:Listening to the Music of Nihonmachi URL:/en/events/2021/12/17/listening-to-the-music-of-nihonmachi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR