BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220121T000000Z DTEND:20220121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:January 21\, 2022 at 7 pm - 8 pm (PT) [January 22\, 2022 at Noo n - 1 pm (JST)] via Zoom (sign-in required)\n[In JAPANESE]\n\nDuring WWII\ , about one hundred and twenty thousand Nikkei were sent to the internme nt camps. Most people in Seattle were forced to leave their homes and sent to the internment camp located in Hunt\, Southern Idaho. The distance is about 10 hours by car. At the 11th Speaker Series presented by the Northwe st Nikkei Museum\, we will introduce life in the Minidoka Concentration Ca mp in JAPANESE. During the presentation\, we will include historical artif acts from the camp\, and invite Shokichi Tokita\, the Nisei person who act ually lived in the camp.\n\n● Register today!\n<a href=" e/k5UjWcUhe7BqA9ZU6?fbclid=IwAR0dkc5KsmHvc2fvKtdsDVXPYVexIepxOcETQn-HLWHk7 PZVPK1H4pPKg9c" target="_blank"></a>\n( Registration will close at 5pm PDT on January 20\, 2022)\n●About the Spe aker Series\n<a href=" U_xlb9UhRVHlslPg6zIpiI&amp\;h=AT00GvIAbqeNKa2P5nWaiL3jndj2PBIa06Eywq2wc2rX pPu4fysmcQ4tml_dwImy4MwWYhDgH6GpXFl7rZxoKWYpjPNpmpCad6LETTHQUlwEGkX7EmxEa6 zvhNG62yhXIllA&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT2F36AtkbDIVqDuSZf0GkBuG50QPEcxqWM vCNExJS8ooWgDb3ew638222OVYht62QvYMEQhaR15R0Ll4Ko5Kj4LIXmf3UpXBTbp34Q-NC4YH u2kd6znEwflGN7ikxTVDakze2hzupCJvBZofrrtsYiTZty8KS9pQWftkvZEi59csbRE" targe t="_blank"></a>  DTSTAMP:20240610T175015Z SUMMARY:Life at Minidoka Concentration Camp URL:/en/events/2022/01/21/life-at-minidoka-concentration-camp/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR