BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220226T000000Z DTEND:20220226T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Enjoy cozying up with a good book on a cold winter day? Looking to expand your personal library. Then this will be your opportunity.<stro ng> </strong>The <a href="">Nikk ei Bunko Library</a>\, the Japanese language library on the JCCCW campus\, will host its first book sale since the pandemic started! The book sale w ill be for one day only\, so don't miss out! The sale will include fiction \, non-fiction\, literature\, dictionaries\, cookbooks\, magazines\, DVDs\ , CDs and more. The majority of the books will be in Japanese\, but we’l l also have some books in English. There will be something for everyone\, with some items priced as low as $0.25!\n\nFree to attend &amp\; with no a ppointment necessary! Face masks must be worn at all time while inside the facility.\n\nIn compliance with King County Guidelines\, all attendees ov er 12 years of age\, prior to entry\, must provide proof of vaccination a gainst COVID-19\, or a negative test result for the virus from within 72 h ours prior to attending the sale.Website:\n\n<a href="https://www.jcccw.or g/nikkei-bunko-book-sale?fbclid=IwAR2CZJvLiOmia5WSaWcJGVv0p9LawEi-Ibx43XAd Roe1SptqvHz9yQSOL40" target="_blank"> ok-sale</a> DTSTAMP:20240610T084817Z SUMMARY:Nikkei Bunko Book Sale URL:/en/events/2022/02/26/nikkei-bunko-book-sale/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR