BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220609T000000Z DTEND:20220609T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Thursday\, June 9\, 2022\, from 7:00 pm (PT)\nOnline via “JCC CW ワ州日本文化会館 Youtube Channel” for free\n(<a href="https:/ / 5ObXrLgCI7JC3bf_YctM" target="_blank"></a> )\n\nHIGHLIGHT:\nJoin us for our third Virtual Tomodachi Gala! During this year’s event\, Jake Shimabukuro will receive the 2022 Tomodachi Award f rom the Japanese Cultural &amp\; Community Center of Washington (JCCCW). T he award recognizes his many years of promoting and celebrating the U.S. - Japan relationship through music and education. The event will be held on the JCCCW YouTube channel\, where Jake will hold a small performance as w ell! Please\, join us in celebrating this cultural icon.\n\nTOMODACHI HONO REE:\nJake Shimabukuro is recognized as the world’s pre-eminent ukulele artist and musical ambassador\, recently nominated by President Joe Biden to serve as a member of the National Council on the Arts. Jake\, who is pr oud of his Okinawan heritage and Hawaiian roots\, has millions of fans who admire him as an ukulele virtuoso\, composer and producer. He has created soundtracks for Japanese films\, and he's played in some of the world’s most prestigious concert halls including the Hollywood Bowl\, Lincoln Cen ter and the Sydney Opera House. His repertoire includes classical\, jazz\, rock\, Hawaiian and Japanese stylings and everything in between. His newe st album “Jake &amp\; Friends” pairs him with musical legends like Wil lie Nelson\, Jack Johnson\, Bette Midler\, Jimmy Buffett and Kenny Loggins . The JCCCW is also recognizing Jake’s philanthropic work through The Fo ur Strings Foundation\, which supports ukulele music instruction in the na tion’s public schools.\n\n Learn More:\n<a href=" /l.php? I655gbY2giny8nuFuoV3D7cWh0s_dg9FaaMJ68aDrowlA7k7RM8g&amp\;h=AT2ZO1dstc6jBk 7g8Qtki1GqpTJFPHr54yXqq0eeAWSkMN8jItnBeo279JjY84S39jrR0ZYS1LomNeziNx3egqcz I_N8v_bdgKkFqJB5t5XirABIEGikbx8F7SL5t9xkjUTx&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT2_Z Ok02xtbkTuDEV0EKV27kTaa7nD3sSL3N-tm9PGkDBMQ2TIj6TNX8CqhMbUyZE5F_g4usxXcgR1 3oMuAbU4AcfhDEz_46ldYD1tqOBdhGNnvUKIjaN7-eNa_KNPVx90J1-DUv474w3NHlgbIkHQyv ONHF5rcTCzstSaYLYAPcEkY" target="_blank"> ala</a>\n Subscribe to JCCCW's YouTube Channel:\n<a href=" i78ek_jjZUP0" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240609T093013Z SUMMARY:Virtual Tomodachi Gala URL:/en/events/2022/06/09/virtual-tomodachi-gala/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR