BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220813T000000Z DTEND:20220813T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\n<a href ="\;txobjid=0bb58 832-ba8b-4907-837b-36fc98747af6">IN PERSON RSVP</a>      <a href="http ://\;txobjid=58210f7d-68 7a-4172-9dfa-7e5b5acdd748">VIRTUAL RSVP</a>\n\nExhibitions like <em>Sutra and Bible: Faith and the Japanese American World War II Incarceration</em > are made possible by the dedicated efforts of family and community memb ers who have preserved and researched their family’s histories and the o bjects\, images\, and documents that tell these stories.\n\nJoin us as we learn from <strong>Dr. Gail Y. Okawa</strong>\, <strong>Mitch Homma</str ong>\, <strong>Elizabeth Nishiura</strong>\, and <strong>Laura Dominguez -Yon</strong> about their families and the efforts they’ve made to reco rd and share their stories and preserve the unique and rare objects that a re featured in <em>Sutra and Bible</em>. <strong>Nancy Ukai</strong>\, P roject Director of <a href="">50 Objects</a>\, will moderate the conversation.\n\nThe catalog for <em>Sutra and Bible</em>  and <em>Remembering Out Grandfathers’ Exile</em> by Gail Y. Okawa are available for purchase from the <a href="">JANM Sto re</a> online and in person. Participants will be available to sign books after the program.\n DTSTAMP:20240602T154253Z SUMMARY:For Every Generation: Recovering and Sharing Family Histories URL:/en/events/2022/08/13/for-every-generation-recovering-and-sharing-famil / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR