BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221019T000000Z DTEND:20221019T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="text-decoration: underline\;"><strong>"What is Hai ku" 『俳句とは何か』 Lecture </strong>\n\n<span style="text-dec oration: underline\;"><strong>Presented by Washin Kai: Friends of Classica l Japanese at UW</strong>\n\n<strong>Register today! : https://events.uw.e du/WhatisHaiku</strong>\n\nPlease join us for "What is Haiku?"\, a histori cal journey of early poetry to the time of haiku\, on October 19\, and the n learn how haiku is alive and well today. The lecture will be presented b y Professor Paul Atkins of the Depertment of Asian Languages and Literatur e at the University of Washington. It will be followed by a discussion wit h today's haiku enthusiasts\, Scott Oki and Mitsuko Miller. We hope this l ecture will inspire you to create haiku poetry of your own and join the le gions of haiku poets from around the world!\n\nThe event is free and open to public. It will also be livestreamed. You are invited to attend in pers on or online\, but registration is required in both cases. \n\nRegister h ere:\n\nDate &amp\; Time: October 19\, 2 022 7:00 pm PDT\n\nEvent location: Kane Hall 210\, University of Washingto n\, Seattle Campus\n\n<span style="font-weight: bold\; text-decoration: un derline\;">About Washin Kai (和心会):\n\nWashin Ka i was formed in 2018 to preserve and strengthen classical Japanese studies at UW. We are a group of volunteers from the Puget Sound community with s trong ties to the university and to Japan. Our main goal is to create a pe rmanent fund at UW\, dedicated to supporting the study of classical Japane se languages\, literature and culture. DTSTAMP:20240609T153903Z SUMMARY:“What is Haiku?”『俳句とは何か』 by Professor Paul Atkins URL:/en/events/2022/10/19/what-is-haiku-by-professor-paul-atkins/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR