BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230506T000000Z DTEND:20230506T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Kodomo no Hi\, or “Children’s Day\,” is a fun and excitin g opportunity to explore children’s culture in Japan. Hosted by the JCCC W\, this free-to-attend annual festival connects children and families in the community\, in a shared multicultural experience. Japanese and Japanes e American culture\, art\, history\, music and more are waiting for you at this community celebration for children’s health and wellness!\n\nThe t heme of this year’s event is the four seasons — Spring\, Summer\, Autu mn\, and Winter! Join us for a journey through a year of life and culture! Learn about seasonal celebrations like Hinamatsuri and Tanabata\, and enj oy fun cultural activities like radio taiso (exercise) and spinning top-ma king! With exciting martial arts demonstrations\, live music performances\ , and even a children’s yukata fashion show\, there’s something for ev eryone to enjoy at 2023’s Kodomo no Hi!\n\nWebsite: <a href="http://www g5D1W6DRp30YF93pm8" target="_blank"></a>\n\n*Ple ase check back for the event details and safety guidelines upon your visit .\n\nVolunteering: We are looking for volunteers to help with preparations \, as well as on the day of the event. The sign-up form is expected to bec ome available in early April at <a href=" R6uiFegj3s1h3gN7UgQLuKBAsKr8l-cxgiYsRQo&amp\;h=AT0_Rj-OQyu5JLEUF0_xnISaSUy ib-ALhN0CuaxPVMmga-gDuK73ZcjBHGqjcxlQYu0PH1mwJHwjMIe5i4fJExIm1Fj7hIG-xutfW fnFQvoqf59fDPNrOCvEL6NW9JrJo_Qt&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT18-kxK1FcGEr0b02 9Isptv1smMv2mkcaNVdK4-xVALcLhVmWHFP5fgj_selmkR5TQFV8rc7h0TjRjacnzi9xmdYNAX EW1pMhANFYKRfKNJdGUbx0KwsE1--f5UciYg0BBZD3Wu_byphvezm0xX8xwiWP1R" target=" _blank"></a> so please check back for more deta ils! DTSTAMP:20240610T050421Z SUMMARY:Kodomo no Hi URL:/en/events/2023/05/06/kodomo-no-hi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR