BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060508T000000Z DTEND:20060508T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Please join us for a special screening of GAIJIN II as a part o f the VC FILMFEST: The Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival\nThis is No bu McCarthy's final performance\n\nMONDAY\, MAY 8\, 2006\nPROGRAM 42\nTrib ute to Nobu McCarthy\n7:30 p.m. • Aratani/Japan America Theatre\n\nGAIJI N 2: LOVE ME AS I AM (Ama-Me Como Sou)\n(Brazil\, 2005) Dir.: Tizuka Yamas aki\nIn 1908\, the young Titoe leaves her village in Japan to work in fara way “Buraziru\,” promising to return after five years. Once in Brazil\ , her husband from an arranged marriage dies\, and she is left to care for her daughter Shinobu. Landowner and farmer\, midwife and respected matria rch\, Titoe epitomizes the matrilineal gambare spirit of endurance and fem ale independence\, one that blesses and curses the women of her family acr oss this Latin-Asian epic that is equal parts Rushdie\, García Márquez\, and Allende. A backdrop of world events\, back-and-forth flows of governm ent-sponsored immigrant labor\, the politics of the Japanese empire\, and a century of racial and cultural mixing tears the family apart and re-unit es it across generations. Starring Tamlyn Tomita and featuring the final p erformance by veteran stage and screen actress Nobu McCarthy\, GAIJIN 2 up dates director Yamasaki’s 1981 classic GAIJIN: PATHS TO FREEDOM.\n35mm\, 131 minutes\, color\, narrative\, in Portuguese and Japanese w/E.S.\n\nFo r more information or to purchase tickets visit: <a href="http://www.vconl"></a> or call (213) 680-4462 x59\n\n\n DTSTAMP:20240602T160705Z SUMMARY:Gaijin II: Starring Nobu McCarthy and Tamlyn Tomita Documents the J apanese Brazillian Experience URL:/en/events/2006/05/08/gaijin-ii-starring-nobu-mccarthy-and-tamlyn-tomit a/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR