BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080301T000000Z DTEND:20080302T000000Z DESCRIPTION:It’s been a wild and crazy winter here in Toronto. We have e xperienced snowstorms\, unseasonably warm weather\, cold weather warnings and so much more. The only thing that we know is guaranteed is that sprin g will arrive at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC) on March 1 a nd 2\, 2008! The JCCC will be opening our door to everyone as they celebr ate a weekend of filled with activities\, entertainment and exhibits at Ha ru Matsuri 2008!!\n\n This year’s theme is Flowers. In North America\, excitement always runs high when the weather warms enough for the first cr ocuses\; tulips and daffodils poke their leaves up through the moist dirt of the garden. In Japan\, the blossoming of the cherry blossoms is synony mous with springtime. We hope to lift everyone’s spirits for the return of warmer weather by highlighting flowers.\n\n Haru Matsuri will also inc lude Japanese arts and crafts demonstrations such as Ikebana (flower arran ging)\, Bunka Shishu (embroidery)\, Origami (paperfolding) and Sumi-e (bru sh painting). The JCCC offers classes in all of these areas and you can si gn up for our Spring programmes. \n\n The JCCC’s martial artists will de monstrate the techniques of “The Way of the Warrior” through Aikido\, Judo\, Karate\, Iaido\, Naginata\, and Kendo. \n\n For entertainment\, the re will be odori (traditional Japanese dancing) by JCCC traditional dance groups Ayame-Kai\, Sakura-Kai\, Himawari Buyokai\, and Taiko (Japanese dru mming). Japanese cuisine will also be available in the food court.\n\n As always the JCCC and Kobayashi Hall will be colourfully and elaborately dec orated to welcome the spring and the long-awaited close of the winter seas on. Festival guests entering the Centre will be greeted by an elaborate di splay of Hina Matsuri Dolls.\n\n Gather your family and friends and come t o the JCCC\, and join us as we celebrate the arrival of Spring!\n\nDate: Saturday March 1 and Sunday March 2\, 2008\nTime: 12:00pm - 5:00pm\nAdmis sion: Family $10 (2 adults/2 children)\, Adults $4\n Children and Seniors $2\, \n JCCC Members free\n\nFor further information\, please contact th e JCCC at 416-441-2345\, or visit our website at DTSTAMP:20240601T061546Z SUMMARY:Haru Matsuri 2008 URL:/en/events/2008/03/01/haru-matsuri-2008/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR