The A/P/A Institute at NYU Presents: Roger Shimomura's Prints of Pop (& War)

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2013年2月13 2013年5月10

Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU
8 Washington Mews
New York City, New York, 10003
United States

We celebrate Roger Shimomura‘s 2012-13 residency with A/P/A Insitute with a closing reception for Prints of Pop (& War)A/P/A’s inaugural gallery exhibition.

Acclaimed for his poignant, bright-colored prints and paintings, award-winning artist Roger Shimomura’s work challenges constructions of the racialized “other” and calls attention to the power of material and pop culture to normalize whiteness. He was born in Seattle, Washington and spent two years of his early childhood in Minidoka (Idaho), one of ten concentration camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. He holds the title of Distinguished Professor of Art Emeritus from the University of Kansas where he taught for 35 years. His work is in the permanent collections of over 85 museums nationwide.


APA_Institute . 更新日 2013年2月28日




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