Matsuri! Japanese Arts Festival

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Community Event

11:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.

Juilliard Park
227 Santa Rosa Ave
Santa Rosa, California, 95404
United States

Sonoma County Matsuri will host its 9th annual Matsuri! Japanese Arts Festival showcasing  Japanese arts and culture on Sunday, May 6, 11am-5pm, at Juilliard Park, 227 Santa Rosa Avenue in Santa Rosa.

Taiko drumming, martial arts demonstrations, shamisen, traditional folk dance and music, tea ceremony, and other performances will be held throughout the day on an outdoor stage surrounded by lawn. The festival will also feature Japanese art and craft exhibits, clothing, food, a kids’ activity table, and raffle.

Admission is free.

A special pre-festival concert by Grand Master Riley Koho Lee and Elliot Kallen, highly acclaimed shakuhachi players, will be held Saturday, May 5, at 7pm. Location: Church of One Tree, Santa Rosa  Tickets: $15 advance sale, $20 at the door


mztn . 更新日 2018年3月21日




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