BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100402T000000Z DTEND:20100530T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A retrospective featuring over thirty selected paintings\, draw ings and textiles&nbsp\;(1995-present) from her Refrigerator\, Hapa Soap O pera\, Loving\, Aloha Dreams\, and Devon Avenue Sampler series as wellas s ome early and new works on exhibit for the first time.&nbsp\;Kina's art co llectively embraces "ikigai" or the Japanese&nbsp\;belief of "a sense of l ife worth living" and reflects her "postcolonial pop&nbsp\;aesthetic" as a multiracial Okinawan Jewish artist/educator/scholar living in a&nbsp\;Sou th Asian Indian neighborhood in Chicago.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>April 2nd&nbsp\ ;</strong><strong>-</strong><strong>&nbsp\;May 30th\nGene Siskel Film Cent er Caf&eacute\; Gallery\nOpening reception\, Friday\, April 2nd from 6-8pm </strong>\n<strong>\n</strong><strong>BIOGRAPHY</strong>:&nbsp\;Laura Kina is an artist\, independent curator\, and scholar whose research focuses o n Asian American art and critical mixed race studies. She is an Associate Professor of Art\, Media and Design\, Vincent de Paul Professor\, and Dire ctor of Asian American Studies at DePaul University. She is a 2009-2010 De Paul University Humanities Fellow. She earned her MFA from the school of t he University of Illinois at Chicago\, where she studied under noted paint ers Kerry James Marshall and Phyllis Bramson\, and she earned her BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Born in Riverside\, Californi a and raised in Poulsbo\, WA\, the artist currently lives and works in Chi cago\, IL with her husband\, Mitch\, and their daughter\, Midori\, and her stepdaughter\, Ariel. Her work has shown internationally is represented i n Miami\, FL by Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts.\n\nLink to Laura Kina's&nbsp\; <a href="" target="_blank">website</a>. DTSTAMP:20240601T182423Z SUMMARY:"Laura Kina: A Many-Splendored Thing" URL:/en/events/2010/04/02/laura-kina-a-many-splendored-thing/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR