BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121020T000000Z DTEND:20121020T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>Jake Shimabukuro: Life on Four Strings</em>&nbsp\;will be s creening at the Pacific Rim Film Festival in Santa Cruz\, CA as part of a double-feature with&nbsp\;<em>The Tsunami and The Cherry Blossom.</em>\n<e m><strong></strong></em>\n<em><strong>FREE!</strong></em>\n\nThe path to g reatness is not always certain. Growing up awkward and the child of a sing le mother\, Jake Shimabukuro was a skinny teenager when he first picked up the ukulele. Admittedly\, it was Jake&rsquo\;s naivet&eacute\; that allow ed him to handle the instrument with such an uninhibited\, wild approach. It is with sheer tenacity and an uncommon passion for the instrument that the young ukulele player was able to rise to unimaginable heights as a res ult of his gift. His self-taught skills and hours of training have lead hi m to world-wide acclaim. From deeply personal interviews with Shimabukuro\ , Life on Four Strings succeeds in presenting the arc of an artist\, the p syche of the man\, as well as the inevitable trials and hardships that com e along with such an astonishing rise to the top.\n\nQ&amp\;A with directo r Tadashi Nakamura following the film.\n\n<a href="http://www.pacrimfilmfe" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href="http ://" target="_blank"></a>\n<em>Sponsored by Pon o Hawaiian Grill.</em> DTSTAMP:20240602T222341Z SUMMARY:FILM SCREENING: "Jake Shimabukuro: Life on Four Strings" URL:/en/events/2012/10/20/film-screening-jake-shimabukuro-life-on-four-st/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR