BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140713T000000Z DTEND:20140713T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Anthropological Studies Center of Sonoma State University p resents\, <em><strong>Growing a Community: Pioneers of the Japanese Americ an Floral Industry</strong> \, </em> an oral history project funded by a C al Humanities Community Stories grant. Join us in July to learn more about the project\, hear speakers from the Japanese American floral industry\, see the unveiling of the project website\, and watch a video compilation o f the collected oral histories.\n\n<strong>Sunday\, July 13 at 1pm\, at th e Eden Japanese Community Center</strong> : California Flower Market Gener al Manager\, Bob Otsuka\, will speak about the history of the flower marke t and the role that Japanese Americans had in shaping and influencing the floral industry.\n\nFor more information contact Dana Ogo Shew at shew@son DTSTAMP:20240609T163149Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Flower Grower Oral Histories: Screenings and Dis cussions URL:/en/events/2014/07/13/japanese-american-flower-grower-oral-histories-s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR