BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150627T000000Z DTEND:20150627T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for <strong>Makoto Taiko's</strong> <strong>Resounding BEAT</strong> - a powerful concert featuring traditional\, modern\, and fu sion Japanese drum pieces with Grammy Award-winning Taiko Master Koji Naka mura\, world renowned Shakuhachi Artist Marco Lienhard and traditional Jap anese Dancer Hidesomi Bando.&nbsp\;\n\nDeveloping an early foundation from intensive training with members of renowned Taiko group Ondekoza\, Koji N akamura first established the Shumei Taiko Ensemble. Over twenty years\, S humei Taiko's performances spanned the globe bringing the spirituality of Taiko drumming to diverse venues worldwide. These included the Parliament of World Religions in Capetown\, South Africa and the United Nations head quarters in New York.\n\nMarco Lienhard studied the Shakuhachi under Maste r Katsuya Yokoyama\, quickly mastering the instrument and becoming a virtu oso solo artist. From Carnegie Hall\, Lincoln Center\, Boston Symphony Hal l\, Osaka Castle Hall\, Hong Kong Cultural Center\, and Suntory Hall in To kyo\, the demand for his soulful sound and distinct musicality has led to over 3\,000 performances worldwide.\n\nHidesomi Bando trained under the ca re of headmaster Bando Mitsugoro IX for 4 years\, while attending Keio Uni versity in Tokyo\, Japan. Known for her meticulous technical control and expressive purity\, she aspires to create a bridge of unity between all cu ltures through Nihon Buyo\, or Japanese traditional dance.\n\nThe 80 membe r ensemble of Makoto Taiko is a dedication to the art of Taiko as a means of expression and inspiration to players and audience members alike. Unit ing passion\, precision\, and spirit\, we invite you to experience Resound ing BEAT!\n\nFor questions about the show or to purchase premium ticket pa ckages\, please contact DTSTAMP:20240608T175414Z SUMMARY:Makoto Taiko Resounding BEAT Concert URL:/en/events/2015/06/27/makoto-taiko-resounding-beat-concert/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR