BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200307T000000Z DTEND:20200307T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE ALL DAY!</strong>\n \nImmerse yourself in this free one-day celebration of the&nbsp\;<em>Trans cendients</em>&nbsp\;&ldquo\;heroes&rdquo\; and their work. This day of di scussion\, conversation\, music\, dance\, art\, and interactive activities will allow you to learn\, to celebrate\, to challenge\, and to grow.\n\nA ctivities will include:\n\n<ul><li>Border-crossing dance and music hosted by Betto Arcos with FandangObon\, El Santo Golpe\, and East LA Taiko</li>< li>Facilitated conversations with &ldquo\;heroes&rdquo\; Rudy Espinoza\, R on Finley\, Aziza Hasan\, Evan Kleiman\, and many more:\n\n<ul><li>Food &a mp\; Los Angeles</li><li>Human Rights &amp\; Los Angeles</li><li>Art Activ ism &amp\; Los Angeles</li></ul>\n\n</li><li>Interactive workshops and act ivities:\n\n<ul><li>Communal weaving with Marianne Sadowski</li><li>Mini-z ines with Lupe Limon Corrales</li><li>Yonsei collective memory workshop wi th Nikiko Masumoto (<a href=" ets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=ba0afb68-f956-4e7f-8d09-58a91266ab7b" target="_blan k">RSVPs strongly recommended for this workshop</a>)</li><li>Letter writin g with Allies to End Detention</li>&hellip\;and more!\n\n</ul>\n\nAdmissio n will be free all day to view the exhibitions:&nbsp\;<em>Transcendients: Heroes at Borders</em>\,&nbsp\;<em><a href=" nder-a-mushroom-cloud">Under a Mushroom Cloud: Hiroshima\, Nagasaki\, and the Atomic Bomb</a></em>\, and&nbsp\;<em><a href=" bits/commonground">Common Ground: The Heart of Community</a></em>.\n\nPlea se check back for more details.\n\n<em>Produced by Community Arts Resource s (CARS) in partnership with the Japanese American National Museum and Ter asaki Exhibitions.</em><em>\n</em>\n</li></ul>\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href=""><e m>Transcendients: Heroes at Borders</em></a>\n<a href=" /exhibits/transcendients/"><em></em></a>\nPlease check <a href="http://www" target="_blank"></a> for updates. DTSTAMP:20240602T034022Z SUMMARY:"Transcendients" Community Celebration: Challenging Borders URL:/en/events/2020/03/07/transcendients-community-celebration-challengin/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR